Chapter 10 stabbed

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It shows a 10 year old stoick running in the forest at night as it shows fear all over his face.
Everyone was wondering why stoick was so scared.
Then it shows 3 13 boys running after him with a dagger in there hands.
Everyone pales.
Boy 3: get back here you useless piece of trash!
Stoick: please leave me alone!
Everyone was horrified of what was going on as hiccup knew his dad pain.
But then boy 1 throws a bola at stoick which causes him to fall and his arms are useless.
Stoick: help someone help me?!
Then boy 2 gagged stoick.
Alvin hands turned into fist of anger as he was thinking of why stoick didnt tell him.
Stoick: mmpphh!
Then soon the 3 boys started stabbing stoick as he started crying.
Everyone was horrified of what was happening at stoick remembered the scars that were there on his body and was wondering where they came from,now he knew where they came from.
Time skip.
It shows stoick untied and ungagged as he was on the floor with tears in his eyes as he was covered in blood.
Stoick: help…..please…..
Everyone wanted to cry when they heard stoick plead for help.
Alvin thoughts: oh stoick.....if only you told me.....I could have helped you....
Author: hey guys so I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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