Chapter 1 old legend

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It's my birthday I'm turning 8 yay! That's what I thought when I didn't know that I had to go on a space ship for half a year, anyway this is what happened

"Max?" My dad says "hmm?" I say "well since its your b-day I need o tell you something" "yeah?" I ask getting a little nervous "well there's two thing a) I need you to go on a space ship with 5 other kids for half a year and b) well when your 9 I need you to save the universe is that okay?" He asks "OKAY? OKAY? How am I sposeded to be OKAY with that?!" I yell "well you need to leave in 10 minutes sooo" "okay il get ready. Oh and who are the others?" "Well I actually don't know" "okay bye I guess"

Well that's what happened to me so anyway right now I'm going in the spaceship with the other 5 and they all seem to know each other when I'm the odd one out. when we get in the ship I just get a chair and sit in the cournor literally. " well this'll be fun" I murmur to myself I hear the other kids whispering to each other saying 'who's that?' And 'is he seriously the 6th?' I wonder what they meant by the 6th I say "umm why are you staring at me?" One says "well chase we all got trained together in a simulation for 2 years" "wait a simulation for 2 years?" "Yeah" he says "oh" I say then go back to sitting by myself. After all that a guy with short brown hair came in and said "ok, you'll each get a mentor for the trip. Chase" a girls head perks up at the name. Guess that's Chase "You get clowie, Shawn you got Mano, Elizabeth you got Cato, Chuck you got jimmy, Lily you got zoë, Max you got me" after all that everyone went everywhere while I just sat there waiting for him to come to where I was sitting, as he comes to me he says "can you tell me a little bout your self" he asks "no" I say firmly "well then il tell you what's happening and why you were just informed today...

A/n cliff hanger sowwey this is my first proper good book it will get better doe bye-yaa

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