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     •|Pearl's Of NYC Hotel |27 April |
                        05h00|USA |•

Kae's POV :

The annoying Buzz from my phone woke me up and it was the alarm , I woke up and got into my robe and went to go get a bath and I mean a very long bath some how I was feeling excited for some odd reason I dont know , dont you feel like that at times ? Well I got out and got dressed after applying lotion  and wore my Black tight Jeans with FILA kicks and a Mustard polo-neck and My warm Knee length black coat that has a hood trimmed with lots and lots of golden brown fur and sprayed my Bomb Ass Jo-Malone  Cologne,  my bags were already packed , I haven't heard from Darien at all today which is unusual and I just dont seem to care, either way we're  not on good terms so flip it  , I texted my driver and locked my phone , I grabbed my arm bag  and Suitcase  and opened the door and to my surprise I bumped into Claude , Leaving already? He asked , well yeah Claude I need to leave , I have to get back to work , well then I'm coming with you he said , what  no you can't , you haven't exhausted your stay , we both chuckle,  look, the awards are in this coming week so you can book yourself in a hotel nearby who knows I might pay you a visit,  I'll be with my Folks , there was a moment of silence......

  What about Darien ? He asked ,  I looked at him with a face with no emotion,  I'm I'm Uhh sorry for asking , he stuttered,  it's cool dont worry  , well that nigga  , I handed him my arm bag   let's not  talk about him   I said as I started walking and he asked no questions and we started walking  while holding each others hands till we reach the Elevator doors we got in and there was a moment of silence again , he then leaned over me and deeply kissed me  and I pulled off immediately after I heard the TING!  sound  telling us that we're on the ground floor , he walked me out not realizing that we're still holding each others hands and  people were looking at us and I honestly gave no shits  until they started taking pictures  , I pulled my hood  and it covered my Face , I knew it was too late I let go off Claude's Grip and he walked me out of the Building to My Car , my driver was already waiting for me ,Claude and I Hugged and he said I will see you soon and handed me my arm bag , I smiled and said bye Felicia,  we chuckled and I got in the car and the My driver Stan started driving  ,My phone was constantly buzzing in my pocket I took it out  and Unlocked it and saw it was 07h15am and I saw some notifications  on Twitter and Instagram and I went on twitter and saw a video of Claude and I walking out of The Pearl's and the retweets were growing within a split second , my heart skipped a beat and opened the video Luckily you couldn't tell it was me nor Claude I guess the person who shot the video  took it after wearing my hood  I then recieved a call from Claude and I picked  it up ...

K : I just Saw the video , if that's why you're calling me ...

C : Did you read the caption and the comments? If you haven't I suggest you dont bother just remove the tag .

K : No I haven't,  I just  want to see who posted that , I'll call you later .

                        (Call Ends...)

I was so anxious , I dont really  read comments but at this point i was tempted to , same time i read the caption

  "Is It Me Or The Mr Brown To Be Is Screwing with someone else?"

I wasn't even scared one bit , I just laughed and didn't even remove the tag   , we were now in the parking Lot at My Apartment and I left my Bags in the Car , I felt like  getting more clothes since it was cold and I entered the Building and greeted the lady at the lobby and entered my password and clicked on the last floor button which is our apartment the whole floor is ours it's like a house when the Elevator door opens it takes you straight to our living room  it takes 3mins tops! To reach our apartment , the Elevator Doors open and as I enter the living room I'm welcomed by an unusual  Smell of Cheap perfume and alcohol,  but then I thought it was just my Nostrils I knew Darien was fast asleep,  I plugged the coffee machine  since I haven't had coffee today ,  and
while in the process , I heard a strange coughing sound and it sounded fake to be precise,   I then went upstairs and went straight to the Master Bedroom and the door was half opened ,  I pushed the door and instead of finding one body on my bed there were two ,  I was in shock and tried to be mature as Hell calling for all the sinners , lord have mercy!  I slowly left the room and rushed downstairs and grabbed a tray of ice cubes from the freezer and emptied it and took the ice cold water from the fridge and mixed it  with the ice cubes in a glass jar and went to the living room  and grabbed my taser and went upstairs,  funny enough they were still sleeping I roughly poured the cold water on  them and the  bed and they woke up that instant  and stuck the taser on the wet side of the bed and they were still covered in my sheets and I clicked the button and electrocuted  them they were screaming like women in the labour ward , I kept doing it till they fell off the bed,  Kae are you fucking Mad ?? Darien asked me ,  Mad?? Mad ?? Haha I faked a chuckle Sweetheart, I'm beyond  Mad you know me better , and you ! ,  you little,  sick uncouth conniving little black bitch , I knew you were up to no good I said rushing towards him ,

I'm sorry , I'm sorry he exclaimed,  I gave him a hard punch that dropped him unconscious  , I kicked him until Darien pulled me away from  Andrew , leave me alone Darien,  Leave Me Alone !  I exclaimed,  I gave him a smack and he fell down , Its over Darien,  do you hear me , I'm Done with you ! I left the room with the Taser in my hand and rushed downstairs and he followed me , I had a glass of water  and stood there  in anger and in a minute Darien came down now dressed,  Karl I'm sorry , I didn't plan any of this  I promise you , he drugged me  , He said .
I looked at him in disgust  , you have some  nerve to tell me he drugged you is that your excuse of sleeping with some whore you dont even know Nigga you were fucking that bustard in my Bed , In My apartment and you're telling me he drugged you , you're so pathetic Darien ,  a Business Partner  , you now fuck your business partners ,Wow Darien,  Wow , Look Darien,  when I come Back Next Week I want you  and every single   parcel of yours out of My Apartment,  now run to your skank upstairs before IT dies in my Room , Goodbye Darien.
I left the Apartment , Kae wait!  he ran to me but the Elevator doors closed. 

I got in the car and my Driver took me to the Airport I gave my driver the taser and asked him to get rid of it .
I didn't even take the clothes I needed because I was  too agitated,  I even forgot the reason why I went to my apartment , but it's ok I will just Buy them once I'm in the DC 

45mins Later ....

VIP section  , Flight 301 to Washington DC , Have A Safe Journey. 


         Hope Y'all Are Still Enjoying
                          POUR IN .🌈 🇿🇦



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