Chapter 7

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Hey guyz.
Yes I know I suck at updating. I'm sorry I'm sorry.


"so, be honest," i start. "what the fuck are yall doing at the town pool of all places?"

"well, i have to shoot a music video, but they have to get all the logistics correct, plus I'm petrified of water. so I'm learning some coping mechanisms to help me stay calm under the water." she turns the radio down a little so  i can hear her. 

"okay, but why didn't you go to like, a private pool or something?"

"i don't know, asshole al wanted it to be an "authentic commoners pool". whatever that means."

i laugh and turn towards her driving, completely ignoring the fact that she looks really fucking hot while she drives, "okay, first of all- that nickname fits him perfectly, and second, you mean a poor people pool."

she smiles and turns her head towards me, "damn, i guess."

after that short interaction, we stay silent for a while. i was looking out the window, thinking about how my 13 year old self would be nutting to be even a 3 mile radius of THE Billie eilish, but now, its just like I'm going for a drive.

it feels completely normal.

before i get too lost in my thoughts i say "take this exit" to let billie know where she's going.

"the beach?" she surprisingly states. "are we gonna go swimming?"

i smirk. "possibly. i haven't decided yet." i go into my bag and take out my aux cord that i carry with me for this exact reason. "okay, when i play this song, i want you to picture that were in a movie, and this is the montage playing, okay?"

she laughs a bit. "why? we can just watch a movie."

i hit play and open the sunroof. i turn up the volume and unbuckle  my seatbelt.


"DONE STOP DRIVING WHATSOEVER." i scream back as i stick my upper body out the sunroof and scream the words to my favorite song.

as this side of paradise plays by coyote theory, i feel the wind in my hair and around my entire body. the beach parking lot is huge, and no one is here at night, so billie drove as i completely lost myself in the moment.

i saw this when i was watching "the perks of being a wallflower". i don't remember what the song was that played in the movie, but i remember saying to myself I'm gonna fucking do that one day. jessie, well she was never down to do it. and I'm not tight enough with petey to ask him. 

but with billie, i feel really alive. i feel confident and proud and happy and noticed.

as the song concluded, she pulled the car to a slow and then eventually a stop. "come here, now." she said in a stern tone.

i obey her orders with a big smile on my face. i sit back down and face her, ready for a lecture.

and boy, i got one helluva lecture.

"why on EARTH would you do that? you couldve been seriously hurt and then what would we have done, hm? THAT WAS SO FUCKING STUPID! YOU COULD HAVE DIED, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT RIGHT?"

while she catches her breath, i speak before she can say anything else.

"thank you."

"AND I- wait what?"

"i said thank you."

she looks confused. "i literally just screamed at you and you thank me?"


she turns and faces the wheel of the car and we sit in silence for a few minutes. i could hear the thoughts in her head whirling around. 

for someone who was homeschooled she's doing a lot of thinking on her own.

i decide to break the silence by the opening of the car door.

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