Chapter 4: I'm not okay

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*Warning this chapter contains alot of...depressing things*

Tony's pov:

Its my fourth day at the hype house and I already made alot of cool friends like Chase, Addison, Charli, Dixie Avani, Alex, Kouvr an so much more. I don't know about Nick.. he seems to not like people that much.....I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I look over and see Addison standing there"Oh hey Addison!"I say smiling and blushing"Hey whats up? You were just staring into space..whats on your mind?"she asks curiously"I'm thinking about Nick..."I say "Oh,why?"she says

(I thought this would make it easier for when people talk 😅)

Tony:He just seems...
Addison:Depressed and sucidal?
Addison:Well he is...
Addison:You have to ask him and him hate eachother.
Addisin:Tony stop asking so many questions ok?
Tony:Okay... know...your cute when your curious.
She giggles and walks away while I blush uncontrollably. I have to admit it I have a crush on Addison but nobody knows and I wanna keep it that way. I walk towards the kitchen and see Ryland whisper something in Nicks ear, Nick just nods and walks away
Tony:What was that about?
Ryland:None of your concern buddy.
He walks away putting his fingers throughhis hair leaving me confused. Should I ask Nick whats going on? Nah, he probably doesn't want me in his buisness because everytime I jump in he gets pissed. I walk to our room and open the door to see Nick on the floor slitting his wrist. I stood there in disbelief
Nick gets up and pushes me out of the way and leaves out the house. I'm worried about that kid..everytime I see him he's either hurting himself or crying himself to sleep. I can't do anything to help or else he would get mad and who knows what he would do. I hear a knock on the door "Come in!" I say. I look over and I see Ryland walk in.
Ryland:Wheres Nick?
Tony: I don't know he left the house a few minutes ago.
Ryland:Ok later.
He walks out the room. I go outside the bedroom door and watch him leave the house. Maybe he's going to find Nick. I got a little worried so I went to watch a movie to gt my mind of him.

Nicks pov:

I'm driving down the street to the nearest gas station right now to grab alchohol. I know I'm under age but at this point I don't give a shit. I pull into the gas station and hop out my car. I walk in and and go straight to the alchohol without saying hi to the sore owner. I grab 5 bottles and go to the front to pay for my items. I get a notification so I check my phone to see a text from Ryland asking where I am, I don't answer because he's one of the reasons I'm doing this.

Store owner:Hello sir how are you today?
Nick:I'm fine...I guess.
I put the alchohol on the counter for him to scan.
Store owner:How old are you sir?
Store owner:Uhm..your underage. You can't drink its bad for you sir.
Nick: Oh haha its not for me, its for my dad.
I felt guilty for lying to the man. He scanned my items and I left the store and hopped in my car putting the alchohol in the passenger seat. I drive home and I get another notification from Tony asking the same question as Ryland. Again I ignore it and kept driving. I made it back home and got out the car and unlocked the door and ran to my room. Tony looks up from is phone looking at me then the bag.

Tony:Whats that?
I ignore him and walk over to my side of the room and place the bag on the side my bed and grab a bottle. I open it and smell it. It smelled pretty bad but I drank it anyway. After I drank it I felt....good... I drank another bottle really fast and giggled. Tony look over and saw the bottle in my hand.

Tony: Nick?!
Tony:Why are you drinking alchohol its illegal your 18?!
Nick:Pfft so? Your no fun!
I chuckle again. Tony ran over to me and took the bag of alchohol away. I got mad so I got up and chased him around the room.
Nick:Fine keep the bag you- you dickface!
Tony picked me up and layed me on the bed and told me to stay here while he went to get water. I got uo anyway and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I kept staring at myself and started sobbing. Then I heard voices:"Kill yourself you whore!" "Yeah nobody likes you! Your just a depressed bitch!" "No!" I said as I started shaking and sliding on the wall to the floor holding my head. "Just do it! Nobody would care anyway!" "No no no no no!!" I got up and the voices kept coming I looked in the mirror(⚠Gore warning!)I moved closer to the mirror and started banging my head on it harder and harder. I started to bleed and the glass was breaking. I heared someone walk in "NICK STOP!!" I turned around with my bloody forehead and looked uo and saw Chase standing there in shock before I knew it everything went black.

Sorry for the short chapter I was busy today heh 933 words😁

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