Chapter 12

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I drift in and out of consciousness, faint voices and flashes of light here and there. I don't know how long I am out, but by the time I'm fully awake everything in my peripheral vision is white.

Is this heaven? I think deliriously for a monent.

Of course not, I must be in a hospital or something. I try to glance around, but I can't move at all. I begin to panic because of my lack of mobility.

Breathe. i force myself to calm down. Closing my eyes, i can feel something tight around my ankles and wrists. I think I might even be bandaged. I definitely have some casts on.

Opening my eyes, I blink a couple times. Then, I try to move as much as possible. No luck. I'm restrained too well.

"She's up," I hear someone say before their footsteps grow fainter.

I'm going to assume they want me alive, judging by my well-bandaged body...and my aliveness.

I feel numb. I also assume they pumped some painkillers or some sort of medication in my system.

Now I just need to find out who has kidnapped me.

I would estimate fifteen to twenty minutes passes by before someone approaches me.

"Hello Shay." A middle-aged doctor walks toward my bed. I glance up at her. "I'm Dr. Roberts. You can call me Celia." If I wasn't in this position, I would have thought she was a normal doctor. Her kind brown eyes and smile wrinkles frame her face gently; she could have been a mother with rugrats. Then again, I shouldn't be so quick to judge. For all I know, there may be a background story to why she graces my presence, is she here of her own will or are there other factors that have caused her to be here. Again, I don't know. 

"How lovely. We are on first name basis already." I laugh sarcastically.

"Don't be so cold dear," she looks at me sadly as if she's talking to one of her children.

"Now it's to endearing names," I smirk. I shouldn't try to antagonize her but sometimes it just comes out. I blame the broken bones or that I don't freaking know where I am.

"You won't by chance let me know where I am and why I am here huh?" I eye her carefully, analyzing my surroundings.

"I'm afraid that's something I cannot say," she shakes her head and looks at the clipboard in her hand. 

"Well, get to what you need to do." 

"You have suffered quiet a substantial amount of injuries. You have three broken ribs, disloacted shoulder, sprained right ankle, twisted left ankle, fractured wrist..." I start to tune her out. My attention span doesn't last long anyways. 

"Shay?" She stares at me for my response.

"Yeah that's me," I reply.

"You will have to remain bed for a couple more weeks to recuperate," she orders me.

"Yeah, like I can go anywhere," I eye the binding restraints around me. 

"That's for your protection," she says but sounds doubtful. "I--hold on sweetie," she pauses and presses a button on her ear piece. 

"What are you doing?" I become alarmed as she takes out a syringe needle and pumps it into the tube that is connected to my arm. She ignores me and continues to listen to whoever is on the line with her.

"Yessir," she nods curtly before leaving abruptly. 

I weakly try to protest, but soon lose consciousness again as she walks farther away.

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