Ignite My Fire

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. Next year I shall evolve and, according to Master Sheer, head to an underground facility where I will learn to control my other form.  There, at Grey Stone Facility, I will be tested to see if I hold evil or good, what my power is, and what my potential may be. Having the thought of scales all over my body and towering to be 8 feet tall or more is kind of throwing me off about this whole thing. Daisy has been reassuring me since she has transformed. She loves her inner demon, all though she is nowhere near evil, a Sharpspitter.  She’s a small reptile with yellow-orange eyes. Specialty; incapacitating venom. I’ve read up on those before. An ancestor to contemporary breeds of acid spitting dragons. Native to Britain, the Sharpspitter produced venom that could incapacitate its prey. Sir Edward Howe considered the Sharpspitter too small and low-flying to be of value as a fighting dragon. However, an intensive cross breeding program using the Sharpspitter, the French Honneur-d'Or and the Russian Ironwing eventually produced the Longwing, a larger breed with a much more powerful acid.

 The Ironwing is what Jason is. The Ironwing was one of three parent strands used in the breeding of the Longwing, the other two being the British Sharpspitter and the French Honneur-d'Or. Presumably, because the breed name ends "-wing"; a convention so far only seen in breeds with unusual wing features, it could be that the Longwing breed inherited its titular wings from this breed. Hm, if Daisy and James get hitched they’ll have a big boy, a Longwing. As long as one of them have Ironwing in their bloodlines.

 Zander of course actually shifted four months ago. A Yellow Reaper. A simply stunning creature, golden middle-weights; white stripes on side and a larger breed. Sir Edward Howe has noted that the Yellow Reaper breed is unfairly maligned because of its familiarity. However they have some good qualities that recommend them to this much use: they are hardy (while not being picky eaters), unbothered by heat extremes, and almost always good humored. Ordinarily, they weigh between 12 and 15 tons, with extremes as low as ten and as high as seventeen; they have "nicely proportioned" dimensions of 50 feet length and 80 feet wingspan. Other dragons have noted that the Yellow Reapers beat their wings at the same speed as the Fleur-de-Nuit, making them indistinguishable in the dark. Yellow Reapers are clannish and prefer to work in a group with other Yellow Reapers. However, the practice of the Aerial Corps is to distribute them among mixed groups of dragons for balance. Messoria and Immortalis, the only two Yellow Reapers in Lily's formation, were also the only two formation members who displayed an instinctive and unavoidable tendency to drop when another dragon dived on them from above. This may indicate that this response is more common in Yellow Reapers than in other breeds. Yellow Reapers are said to have contributed to almost every dragon bloodline in the British Isles. He hasn’t found his ability yet.  Master Sheer seems to keep a watchful eye on him though. Zander is a bit more aggressive then a Yellow Reaper should be. I’m assuming Master believes a bit of darkness runs through his veins.

Now Terrance is a beautiful Imperial. His ability is that he can hover in the air by beating their wings backward and forward. A very intelligent breed, the Imperial is nearly identical to the prized Celestials, differing only in the Imperials' lack of ruff and tendrils. Occasionally the mating of two Imperials would result in the birth of a Celestial. Imperials had five talons and six-spined wings and can hover in the air by beating their wings backward and forward, a trait shared by the Celestials. Despite their obviously close relationship, the Imperial does not share the Celestials' ability to produce the Divine Wind. The "Lung Qin" in all the names of Imperials means "Imperial Dragon". He is very stunning when shifted and quite playful to boot.

Only I and Casey remain to shift and meet our inner spirit. Everyone believes Casey is exclusive Divine Wind. IT would suit him but I think it’s a breed a little out of his league. Temeraire opened his jaws and what emerged was a roar that was less a sound than a force, a terrible wave of noise so vast it seemed to distort the air before him. The Divine Wind is the most mysterious of dragon abilities-- a sort of 'sonic roar' capable of doing great destruction, especially to objects made of wood. It only presents itself in one breed in the entire world, the Celestial. There are few Celestials in the world, and few of them ever venture outside of China, so very little is known of this ability in the western world. Sir Edward Howe suggests in his book Observations on the Order Draconia in Europe, with Notes on the Oriental Breeds (excerpted in HMD) that since the divine wind is known only by "heresay" and that some experts dismiss it as "phantasy." Howe is naturally delighted to come into contact with Temeraire and confirm the divine wind's existence to other draconic scholars.

 So you may be wondering who this ‘ Sir Edward Howe’ character is that I keep mentioning . He is only the world’s greatest Dragon founder in the entire world. And when I finally take my original form I will meet him. He saved dragons from being destroyed and never walking Earth ever again. He set our Dragon Spirits inside Human souls to be able to hide from the Death Eater Eriox. Once we shift we can take back our human forms but our scent is set free to roam the Earth’s surface. Eriox takes that advantage to kill us. We are most weak after we let our dragons free and must be in Grey Stone to avoid him. I just hope he doesn’t find the facility.             

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