chapter one

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"Pst," A small forefinger poked my side. Or should I say Aly poked my side. I ignored her and focused on my AP Biology test instead. I don't want another person in my head to worry about right now.

But apparently my friend has another plan and kept bothering me, "What?" I hissed under my breath just before I looked at Mr. Ramone's direction to see if he's paying attention to us. I swear to God, that man could tell if you're about to say something and bother the class. It's kind of his sixth sense.

"Guess who's back, " she said leaning in, an obvious glint in her face. I rolled my eyes and just shook my head, dismissing her. Like I  have to freaking guess. "Hey, do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"

I sighed feigning exhaustion, "Aly, the school's gonna mail these tests next week to our parents. So you better get back to your work or say bye-bye to UAL." She slumped back on her chair and flipped me the bird. "And oh, Aly?"

She looked up, brows furrowed, sensing I'm about to drop a huge bomb on her. I looked up front to check if we're out of Mr. Ramone's sight before I speak. I breathed a sigh of relief because he was talking to a student in the front row and the said student was complaining about a question in the test. She says "there's no possible answer to this question, who even made these?" Good luck with detention later, lady.

"You should probably change your answer in item number 6. You misslooked. The answer's letter B."

At first she didn't get it but realization hit her 2.5 seconds later. The norm's 0.5 seconds. Ugh. Before she could even smack me in the face, I ducked in my desk and snickered.

Knowing Aly, she's got her pay back plan ready in 3...2... and..... I grunted loudly. Yep. She just kicked the hell out of my shin.

"Ms. Thawne? What's going on in there?" Shit.

"Hey, Mr Ramone," I said dragging my words. He's about to turn 60 and he could cross the room in like 0.5 seconds!!! Yeah, the jokes on me. He hung his head, waiting for me to explain. "Um, I was just asking Aly if she brought a sharpener." I said my tone's close to asking not telling. Ugh, why do I always suck at this?!

His eyes squinted, studying me. I followed his eyes until it stopped in my right hand. Double shit. "You have a pen, Ms. Thawne."

There's a series of laughters and words like "busted" coming from my classmates whom I barely knew. "All right class, finish your test. You've got 15 minutes."

The whole class quieted down. I sighed and put my palms besides my cheeks. God, I'm so embarrassed. I turned my head into Aly's direction and glared at her. If looks could kill she's on her way through hell. She just put her right hand in her lips and gave me a flying kiss. I directed my right hand at her holding my freaking pen, and I flipped her off.

"Ms. Thawne?" I looked back at Mr. Ramone. "See you at detention."

"What?" I whisper yell.

Oh for God's sake. I loooked at Aly and double glared at her. If my glare earlier was meant for her to go walk through hell. This glare's meant for her to run the shit out of this room before I come get her. She almost looked sympathetic. Almost.

I guess I'm gonna have to go sit with the poor girl earlier.


I heard footsteps coming down the hall and stopped right beside my locker. Before I could tell her to fuck off she beat me to it. "I know you're still pretty upset about detention. But deal with it. You got caught, I didn't,"

"Well, that's one hell of an apology."

She chuckled and walked with me through my next class. I don't know what she's doing but her next class is on the right side building. Whatever, it's not my legs. "I'm sorry, okay? You just suck at being a bad ass." I hung my head. "Okay I'm sorry. You know I would never just accompany you out here without any valid reason because my next class is on the right wing, but I love you and it's kinda important. " She said rushing her words, her lips twisting and if I've known better she kinda looked scared.

We stopped outside my English class and I badly need to sit, my feet hurts. "Spill it out already, you're gonna be late. We both are."

But then her mouth shaped like a perfect O. Her eyes trained at the back of my head. Curious to what mundane thing she's looking, I'm about to turn my head but she caught my arm, "No please. Don't turn around. This is why I'm here. He's here and he's gonna be in your next class."

I knew he was just close. I knew it the moment the air felt different. I tried to mask my emotion, "Aly, I know and it doesn't matter. I'll be fine. Just go to your next class. I'll catch up with you at lunch." I said tapping her head and got inside my next class.


2 years ago

"Stop whining, okay?" Mase snapped, clearly irritated with my non stop babbling causing me to frown. Which he noticed and because nobody could resist my admirable cute face, he gathered his clothes and shucked them all at once in his duffel and joined me in his makeshift bed. "Look, I'll be back as soon as you realized okay?" He leaned in and kissed me on my forehead.

I sighed, "They'll never even gonna listen to you anyway. My father's been a cheater all my life. Wait, no. More like forever. Your mother liking my father screams million of question marks, Mase. Did she actually thought she'd be the one to tame that fuck boy persona my dad's going for?"

"God, you're so hot when you talk like that," his voice dropped from i-am-so-gonna-talk-some-sense-to-my-mother decibel to never-mind-i-could-just-make-out-with-my-girlfriend-all-night decibel.

I slapped his thigh, "Mase! Did you just hear what I said?"

"Yes, I did and I said you were hot." Ugh. 

"Yeah and I heard you, thanks by the way. I'd make sure to be whiny all the time. But not the point, okay, focus, your mother and my father......"

He let himself fall face down on his bed and let out a grown. "Riiight. I wish you could come with me."

"Let me come then. Keep you occupied and...... satisfied." Please, please take the bait. 

He chuckled, "As much as I liked that concept, you can't. And before you cut me off, the reason is you have to go to school. Your mother would go banshee if you even tell her about this plan."

"I'm not the only one who has to attend school in this relationship." I reasoned out. "Besides, my mother wouldn't even notice."

"You know that's not the point, Ken." This is the part wherein he looked straight into my eyes poisoning it with whatever cheesy love songs he knows. And it is also the part wherein I figuratively speaking died.

"I'll just miss you." I sighed.

"I will too. But hey," he said squishing my cheeks with his calloused palms, "It's just for a couple of days and I will surely, secondly, hourly, daily, call you."

I slapped his arms, "There's no secondly as in seconds, Mase. You're so dumb." I teased. 

He went to his cabinet and started packing some towels, "Yeah, dumb for you babe." He said his back to me. "And for the record, your mother will notice. She'll get the hang of it, just be patient with her, okay?"

I nodded, what's left for me to do right? 

"Okay, I'm done with everything. I should go. Need a ride home?"

I shook my head, "I'm just gonna walk. It's out of the way anyway."

He grabbed my arm and hugged me so tight, "You be good. I'll be thinking of you every secondly until I come home."

I chuckled then returned his hug. We were like that for a few minutes, just holding holding each other.

The sun was shining and it was Mase's cue. He got inside his beat up truck and put the keys inside the ignition. 

"Come on now, you still got hours to kill on the road." I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. 

"Are you kidding me? Get back here and give me a real kiss." 

"Well I guess you better come back for that kiss." I smirked. 

"Shit, okay. I better gotta go." He cranked the ignition and started backing his truck. 

"Off you go, baby." 

"I'll call okay!!!!"

But he didn't. 


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