Chapter Five - Cheesus Crust

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As they walked into Lux Lucifer was eerily quiet. He honestly was terrified, terrified of what this meant, that his father wanted to pull at his heartstrings even more and influence his life. He had known the minute the witch had introduced herself he would stop at nothing to keep her safe. That scared him. Lucifer was also aware that his mum was going to be livid at another reason that he would wish to remain on earth. Rescheduling next weeks appointment with Linda would have to be done promptly , this counted as a emergency with all the new emotions he could probably get in tomorrow.

"Alright through here, as you saw the nightclub is down stares but that shouldn't worry you, the security is the best in LA, there's the bar I know you like 16 so drink responsibly. Through there is Mazes old room but I like to leave that open, clearly living room, balcony, bookshelf with priceless artefacts , the detectives little urchin once nearly summoned the hounds of hell so be careful with the books, my room and around here" Lucifer glided around to the other side of the bar and pressed what seemed like a slab of concrete the wall groaned and shifted to reveal another living space with a small kitchen and two more spare rooms. He walked to wards the closest room and slides the door away. Inside lay a simple bed with black sheets with floor to ceiling windows wrapping around the corner, "your room".

Sabrina stepped cautiously onto the obsidian floors, it was a simple but elegant room with a wonderful view and a bed that looked enticing.  She felt herself smile and whisper a small thank you.

"Now, I don't know about you but I feel overwhelmed with what this day has thrown at me so I will be ordering takeaway, I absolutely refuse to eat what the small human's "Chinese", not for anything against the culture, wonderful people, but the sanitary standards that  the shop has is absolutely appalling so Italian" Lucifer announced turning on his heel noticing the witch was lost in his thought left with smile he would absolutely deny.

Setting down her stuff she once again unlocked her bag letting Salem slip out. Neatly she organised  her books and her clothes in the hidden wardrobe and locked away some items in the safe and promptly collapsed on to her bed. Turning on her back she gazed up at the ceiling, from  her limited knwoledge about Lucifer she expected an extravagant chandelier, but was met with an dark roof full of glistening speckles that mirrored the constellations millions of kilometres away. It had been a long day and her eyes were heavy, she couldnt go to sleep yet though. She had a lot to ponder and well, dinner was on the way.

Lucifer is not what I expected, he certainly has charisma but Dolos renactment was off. He seems invested in his life here on earth. Over the course of the day shehad noticed his dependence on Chloe and his ability to shift the conversation to a lighter subject, If Sabrina didnt know him as the devil she would have suspected it as a defence technique. He also appeared that he was curoius in her life and genrally shocked of her existence. Now that she had met him she only realised what a large weight had been taken of her shoulders. I all honesty she had expected him to be be cruel and selfish and to shut her out. But it was quite opposite, behind his bravado it seemed as though he wanted her around. Sabrina felt herself slipping away into the realm of dreams.


40 minutes late the linguini and pizza arrived on the doorsteps of Lux. Lucifer walked into the kitchen and pulled out some plates. I would rather hug detective douche then eat out of the box. On the way in her had noticed Sarbina passed out on her bed and by the looks of it she was about to fall so her felt no need to wake her up. Lucifer had suprised himself this afternoon, he had only ever witnessed how family interacted in the Decker household and was shoocked at how fast it took to slip into it. While he usually would be downstares flitting between the guests he was up here, in his casual suit with the little hellion.

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