Chapter One

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I was walking into my homeroom thirty minutes late due to my parents yelling and trying to throw punches at me. "Oh well happens to the best of us." I thought. I open the door when all of a sudden someone comes up behind me and grunts. I look up to see Talon. I glare at him and walk into class. "Miss Asia and Mr. Talon! Why are you late?" Mrs. Morgan said looking up from her computer. "Why do you want to know Mrs.Morgan?" I growled out. She looks up and glares at me. "Go sit down Asia." She growled back. I sit at my desk and stare at Talon and Mrs.Morgan. "Talon why are you late?" Mrs.Morgan said sternly. "I had to walk here because my car broke down." He said without stuttering. Mrs.Morgan nods and Talon sits in his desk. "Now kids we will be doing a class project on Zodiac gods and Greek gods. You will be assigned partners and will have to look up different gods and goddesses." Mrs. Morgan said looking at everyone. I slouch in my chair and start reading my book. "Your partners are going to be co-ed so I'm trusting you will not do anything bad." Mrs.Morgan said looking at everyone sternly. I look at her and smirk because I know the statement was towards me. "Talon and Asia you guys will be partners." Mrs. Morgan said smirking. I jumped out of my seat and glared at her. "What the hell?! I am not going to be partners with that douche!" I yelled. "Mrs. Asia sit down before I send you to the principal's office!" Mrs. Morgan yelled back. I stayed standing up and growled. "Mrs. Morgan I don't think Asia and I aren't suitable to be partners due to our past when we were always partners." Talon said standing up also. "I'm sorry Talon and Asia but I'm not going to switch you. You are stuck with each other for this project." Mrs.Morgan said looking at both of. I huffed as I sat down in my chair. Talon sat down next to me and huffed too. We looked at eachother but then turned away. "Now that we have that settled everyone get started on your projects. They are due in two weeks." Mrs.Morgan said after she finished pairing up everyone else. I grabbed my pencil and some paper when I looked over and there was already a sheet of paper that Talon got out for me. I smiled a little and wrote my name at the top of it and the date. "So what gods and goddesses should we look up?" I asked Talon. He just sat there starring at the wall not answering me until he started writing down random words. I looked over his shoulder and tried my best to read it but he kept hiding it with his arm. I gave up trying to read over his shoulder and started to draw all of the Zodiac signs. "Okay, so what if we looked up our zodiac signs and do the research?" Talon suggested. I looked at him and nodded my head. "I like that idea. So I'll look up my sign and you can look up yours. Okay?" I said getting my laptop out of my bag. He nodded and got his out too. "What's your sign anyways Asia?" Talon said not looking at me. "Scorpio. Your's?" I asked. "Taurus. Which sucks by the way." He said typing in everything. "Why do you say that? Taurus is actually really cool because for one they are tough and your and Ox which can easily kill someone if they piss you off." I stated. He chuckled at that and shook his head. "You know Asia you aren't all that annoying anymore now that you grew up and don't chase after boys all the time." He said looking at me. "Well you're not so bad yourself now that you stopped chasing after me and found some other girls to take control of." I said with a smirk. He looked stunned for a minute but recovered and started working. I started to type but stopped because I felt horrible for saying that to him. "Hey, sorry for saying those things.. It was out of line.." I said looking over at him. "It's fine." He said looking at me.

Well that was chapter one. I'll have chapter two up in a few days hopefully. Love you all and I hope you read until your hearts content:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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