Chapter 3

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Sandy POV
I am so excited that i am finally going to meet my dad and brother finally after three years, it's been so long. Right now i am driving my blue Ford Mustang

and you're gonna think how because  we are not so rich well what can i say its good to have a rich uncle

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and you're gonna think how because  we are not so rich well what can i say its good to have a rich uncle. I can't wait to see stiles face when he sees this car. I stop at red light and quickly text stiles my location. I can picture him bouncing in his room when he sends lots of happy emojis. I smile and think about the day mom died.

I am sitting on the side of mom's bed while she is sleeping with Genim in her arms they look so cute. I smile sadly and feel pain in my chest as i realise she doesn't have much time. I feel so sad because i can't do anything about it. I feel so useless right now because we were always such a happy family. I remember the times stiles was 2 and i was four, we were sitting at the dining table laughing as mom and dad danced together around the kitchen. I didn't realise when tears started rolling down my cheeks as someone wiped it. I look up and saw mom smiling at me. I held her hand and brought it to my lips and said " Please don't leave us. I need you. Stiles need you. Dad needs you. What will we do without you mom." I am crying because it felt like someone was squeezing a knife in my chest. She cupped my cheek and smiled sadly at me said " I'm so sorry dear, i don't want to do this to any of you because i love you so much but we can't do anything now. Who have to promise me something?". I nod my head while crying and look at her. She says" Promise me you will take care of your dad and genim. Promise me you will protect genim. Promise me." I nodded vigorously. She said again" You know about your power how you can move metal and control it but stiles is very little and he does not know about it so i want you to keep him safe and protect him always. He is a spark if anyone knew it will be not good for him because people will try to use him. Your dad can't do much so you have to be there for him. Please do it sandy." I replied" I will do anything to keep him safe. I will protect him always." Mom smiled and stiles started to wake up. He wiped my tears quickly as he rubbed his chubby hands on his eyes. He looked at mom and huged her saying to not leave them. She replied " Genim i want you to promise that you will listen to your sister. And please take care of your dad and sandy for him." He nodded and said " Don't worry mama i will not let them eat burgers and fries". Me and mom chuckled. She then let her one arm out and i climbed in bed hugging her and stiles. I don't wanna let her go so bad but i know i have to. We let her go and sat on the side of the bed. Stiles was babbling sometthing when suddenly we heard a noise and saw mom close her eyes. It was passing by blur for us as we tried to wake her and doctors barge in taking us out. We sat in waiting room crying in each others arm as dad came in with glassy eyes and crouched infront of us hugging both of us as we all cried for mom.

I was brought back from an irritating *beep beep beep beep* sound. I so much wanted to crush the car with my magic. But i thought stiles and dad seeing me jail and thought it won't end well. I started driving and played my song and sing along with it

"Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherf**ker down the drain like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?"

I passed the the Beacon Hills sign just as song ended. I am going to suprise him when he gets home from school. I smile thinking of his reaction. Not many people can make me genuinely smile because after mom's death i always fake smiled infront of others. I only smiled happily infront of dad and stiles. I don't easily trust because i have to protect my family. My dad will always say that I have grown really fast but its not my fault that i love them so much that can't let them get hurt. My power is very strong i had to grow up to get better at it and protect them.

I park car at the gas station. I see a camaro park at the other side. Well looks like somebody in Beacons knows about a good car. I go to pay for it and see a guy looking at my car who looks like he has a 24/7 frown fixed in his face. He looks up glaring at me. I don't why but it makes me want to punch but i don't want to ruin my suprise for stiles and dad so i just glare right back at him and sit in the car. I start to drive and the guy is still glaring i do my signature sign throw a middle finger at him out the window glaring right back. I drive away and then stop at a flower shop to buy white lilies mom's favourite and buy some roses and carnation for stiles because i know he likes it, it makes him remember about mom how she always put flowers in vases. Since birth i was not much fan of flowers, cooking, make-up or anything. Dad used to joke how accidently he had two boys in the house until stiles started wearing dresses when he saw him first time he just hugged him and said he looks beautiful just like his mom. I drive down to the cemetery and park. I get out and go towards  mom's white grave.

19## - 20##
A loving mother and wife


I put the lilies on the ground and touch her grave and say "Hey mom! I, Gen and dad are fine here. And look its been 3 years since i saw you and them. But now mom i'm back and i'm going to protect them. I have learned so many things in these three years i am now more powerful and able to protect them. And i'm not gonna stop until the day i die because i promised you that i would" I kissed my fingertips and layed it back on the grave " Love you mom" Then a wind came by my face and i smile because its like she's saying it back to me. I get up dust of my pants "Bye mom." I get in the car and drive to the Stilinski household. I see a baby blue jeep park ed in the driveway. "Oh shit"i mutter under my breath getting out. I smile and hide my face behind the bouquet and knock on the door. I hear something or maybe someone falling i laugh quietly. Clumsy Stiles. The door opens  with a 'Huh' and then i have a arm full of stiles. I laugh hugging him back. We let go as he exclaims "Oh My God! you're here" and i reply teasingly " Yeah I am. But why are you not at school" He huffs and says "How can you say that i am at home to prepare for your welcome and you are saying that to me" he mockingly puts his hand on his chest in fake hurt . I smile and say " I know baby bro." We head inside his hand in the crook of my arm. He takes the flower and puts its in the vase, i put my hands on his arms taking a good look at him. In this 3 years he has grown so much he is taller, his hair grown from the buzz cut, he is lean but still has some muscles. He mole dotted pale skin and smile still reminds me of mom. I hug him again and breath out air that i didn't know i was holding. He hugs me back with tears coming from his eyes and i don't wipe it because i know my condition is same. We stay like that for sometome before i pull away with my arms still around him and with a smirk raise eyebrow at him saying"Seriously? a robe?You know you are wearing jeans right?"

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