31 Ways to Annoy Meta Knight!

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1. Tell him that without the stuff he wears, he's basically a recolor of Kirby.

2. Draw a bunch of girly pictures and put sparkles on his mask.

3. Imply that Meta Knightmare is the only game about him...and it sucked.

4. Get him an eHarmony account.

5. Remind him that he was never in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (which is arguably one of the best Kirby games).

6. Buy him stilts.

7. Steal his candy jar.

8. While he's sleeping, drag his mattress out to the ocean and set him afloat.

9. Tell him that his one true love is the Halberd.

10. Buy a Kirby plushie and throw it at him over and over again. When Meta Knight finally gets mad at you, cry and say: "You're supposed to be my idol, Meta Knight!"

11. Melt his sword, Galaxia down into a hamburger spatula.

12. Tell him that he's still broken in Smash Bros for the Wii U and 3DS.

13. Cut his mask into a Phantom of the Opera shape.

14. Tell him that Kirby always gets the glory, no matter how much MK has done for him.

15. Follow him around and call him "my dear sweet blueberry"

16. Dye his clothes pink and red, so he can look JUST like Kirby!

17. Tell him Dark Meta Knight is sexier than him.

18. For his birthday, buy him a wig.

19. Record on a tape recorder that says: "Siroyzoragoidas! (Blade Knight's English dub voice)" and press the repeat button. Then, put it in his room when he's trying to sleep. Find him the next morning to see the results.

20. Tell him Sword and Blade are more awesome than him.

21. Carry a Meta Knight plushie around. Then you nuzzle it into his head constantly and say: "META-CHAN WUVES UUUU!!"

22. Take his mask and play Ultimate Frisbee with it.

23. Find his diary, copy each page and send them to everyone in Cappy Town.

24. Say to him Nintendo will never give him as much attention as Kirby.

25. Ask him to tell you a story when you go to bed. When he tries to come up with something, say: "Ooh! Tell me the story when Mety gets pwned by that wolf-thing!" (Watch the episode, Hour of The Wolfwrath if you don't get the reference)

26. Poke him several times. See if you can poke him 'til he finally chases you with a pitchfork (cause Galaxia is not enough!).

27. Take his mask and put it on your face. Then run around like an idiot and yell: "Hey, look everyone! I'm META KNIGHT! AND IMMA RIPOFF OF KIRBY!"

28. Start to hug him. ALL the time. When he asks you why, reply: "ME WUVES U. ME NOT LETTING GOOO!!" Don't let go, no matter how much he tries to push you away (...when you've been stuck to him for a week, that is!).

29. Dress just like Tiff/Fumu, cling on him and say: "MARRY MEEH, HAWT STUFF!"

30. Have someone throw a pie at you, and when he's right there, say: "I feel... dirty..."

31. Turn the Halberd into a nightclub. His reaction will be priceless.

Author's note!

Hope y'all enjoyed this! I know all of this is just plain evil, but he's too... perfect in the games and anime. And hey, if we met in real life, he would find me annoying. I'm outta here before he hunts me down and gets me... Peace xx


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