n i n e

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blue; distance

"i'm so sorry i haven't been around ash but i had exams and i had to change my number because someone stole my phone and..."

*taps her softly on the shoulder* "excuse me miss but asher doesn't works here anymore"

"what? he was fired?"

*interrups the conversation*

"no, he quited"

"but ash loved this job, he wouldn't quit"

*excuses herself and goes back to work*

"i don't know what to tell you sweetie, all i know is that he lookes upset when he came here and i think he had a new colour on his hair but i couldn't know, i already lost count with that kid"

*laughs softly* "thank you mr. pendergrast"

"no problem skylar, just never let him go"

"i won't"

*walks toward the door*



"his new colour was blue"

*nods and smiles at the old man while she walks out of the shop*

there is no way of knowing how much the blue lasted on his hair.

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