When I woke up 2

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When I finally woke up it was pitch black and it smelt like hessian bags, at that moment I then knew that I had a hessian bag on top of my head. Where am I? Am I in Australia yet? Why do I feel so dizy? The bag that was once on my head had been ripped of and a huge bright light was shone in a small wooden room, the room started rock back and forth, I saw other people, mothers, children all sorts of people with worried looks on their faces, I asked a women wailing and crying where we were " Dear keep quiet or else they will hear you..." she whispered in a shaky voice, " What why do we need to be quiet?" I asked. No answere as I heard foot steps from above and clanging on the roof of the small wooden room. It then came to mind that we had been taken by pirates...

Screeming and realising that we had been taken by pirates, I tried no to be scared, because I guessed that  they would all ways kill the weak one first. A young boy, younger than me, was starting to hum to him self and comfort him self, all of a sudden a HUGE bright light blinded us all, lucky for me though I was in the very corner of the hull of the wooden room. Three, giant, men, stormed in with swords in their great big hands, they slowly walked down a few steps in the small wooden room that we were all held camptive in. They then started to tap tthe swords on the palm of their hands, now pacing around in the already cramped room, they grabbed the young boy! 

I couldnt believe this was happening so I closed my eyes and wished for something good to happen. I opened my eyes and saw a small book on the other side of the hull, while the pirates where back up on the deck having not harmed the young boy after all, I silently crawled over to the book. It felt like very rough paper on the front and back, i opened it up and I saw a picture of a girl she looked about 18 and very royal. This might just be it for me to get off of this floating boat of dispair! 

I started to read more infomation of the hard covered small book where the picture was of the girl it had lots of details about her. I then noticed it said parent gaurdiens when it said Mr & Mrs Kelly. I kept looking at the girl on the picture, this must have ben my lucky day, she look just like me! It then said a birth of place and it said Australia, this is definatly my lucky day! I have a plan and I am going to use it...

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