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The front door slammed shut. Panicking, I grabbed at the remote again and quickly changed the channel, snapping myself out of my day dream, feeling somewhat guilty and foolish.

"Caught you!" my best friends voice boomed from across the room, heading for the kitchen area.

"What?" I snapped back, my head still in a daze of thoughts of the front man of The 1975.

"Watching porn" she accused playfully as she pulled the fridge door open and began emptying the contents of the carrier bag she brought in, into it.

I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. Although a part of me felt I'd rather be accused of that than her knowing I was reminiscing over someone I shouldn't be.

"It's not too late, you know" she said, standing and slamming the fridge door shut. Making it known she had actually caught me and seen who was on the screen.

"Jessie!" I groaned in a warning as I stood and headed towards her to switch the kettle on. This wasn't the first time she'd insisted I still had every opportunity to do something about my son not having his father in his life.

"Taylor" She mimicked, flitching the switch back up, the water in the kettle quickly simmering down before it had chance to boil properly. And re-opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of red.

"Do we need a chat?" she offered, already pulling two wine glasses from the rack and nodding over towards the living area again, gesturing for me to take a seat.

"About your drinking problems? A bit late for that I think" I joked, but did as told and sat myself back down, watching as she got to pouring us both a drink.

Jessie knew about the whole situation.

It took her coming with me for my first midwife appointment to actually believe I was pregnant, having found out on April 1st, April fools day, she believed for weeks I was pulling a stupid prank. And it took months after that for her to believe me on who the father was. Only fully accepting my words and getting the proof she needed when she came with me to hospital to have him. Within seconds of seeing him, it was evident who his dad was. A head of dark curls. Chocolate eyes and the odd few moles covering his beautiful pale skin.

Of course Jessie was a fan of theirs. She hadn't let the fact that her best friend had had a member of the bands baby, stop her from fan girling and going to see them live four times already. Even threatening to spill the news if she ever got the chance to go back stage. And luckily for me, the closest she'd ever gotten to them was five rows back from the stage.

Her eyes were peeking at me over her wine glass as I stared off into space, more than likely waiting for the right time to try and bring up this same old conversation.

"So you think Matty-"

"I'm not having this conversation" I barked, glaring at her. It seemed as time went on, she was becoming more adamant to the idea of Matty now needing to know about Timmy. When up until now, she'd always had my back and supported my decision. Even saying I was doing the right thing.

Because whether I liked it or not. Timmy's dad wasn't and never would be a normal dad.

Hell, would that man even want to be a father? Did he have that in him? Everyone knows what type of guy he is and the life choices he makes.

If he's not in the press for having a different eighteen year old girlfriend every few months, he's being reported for being on some sort of substance or highly intoxicated and not caring who knows or sees. What kind of role model is that?

Jessie did have a good trait about her though, and no matter how much she annoyed me and sometimes said things I didn't agree with nor want to hear, she was always honest and always spoke the truth. And she was right about one thing, money was becoming tight around here.

I wasn't able to work until Timmy was in full time school. That's not until he's gone three years old. Originally, this flat was just mine. When I was working. Now I'm twenty three, unemployed and had to move my best friend in to help me with rent and bills.

I felt like I was massively taking advantage of her. It's like she was having to play role of dad to my son, in every aspect.

But that just made me more certain that Matty wasn't to know. Because if this got out, it would be easy to assume I was just doing it for the money. And that's the last thing I would ever ask for. Because we'd managed up until now, I just needed to last a little bit longer until I could work again.

Jessie's eyes were watching me and I felt as though she knew exactly what I was thinking as a pity full look took over her features.

She sighed heavily, knowing she was always stepping on my toes when she tried for this conversation, but it never stopped her.

"It's not fair that you're having to do this all on your-"

Immediately I scrunched my eyes shut. Knowing this chat was going to happen sooner or later, furthermore, more questions and conversations were going to come when Timmy grows up and needs answers. Answers that I wouldn't have. Answers that would leave me in the firing line for the blame, because it's not like Matthew just upped and walked from his life, as though he didn't choose him, because he doesn't even know he exists.

"Please!" I snapped. My mind now in over drive. "Not tonight"

"Fine" she bit back in a sulking manner and reached for the remote, flicking the previous channel back on, where they still were, just being introduced to play them out at the end of the show.

My eyes snapped over to my best friend, knowing what she was doing putting them on. But she was refusing to budge, her face looking as though she was chewing wasps. And turned the tv up a little louder as the intro to Love Me started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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