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Callum Hunt was confused.

For one thing, Aaron staying at Call's house for the whole summer had been like having a brother in almost all ways- building robots, drinking lemonade and eating pizza, rolling around laughing in the overgrown grass and practicing magic- except for one thing. 

Aaron was not like Call's brother. At all. He didn't feel like a brother. Which was weird, because he was Call's closest, best-est friend, and yes, Call knew that wasn't a word, but he didn't care. The point was, Aaron should have felt like a brother, and yet somehow, in Callum's mind, the words 'Aaron' and 'brother' simply should not be used in the same sentence, unless there was a 'was-not-at-all-like-Callum-Hunt's' stuck between them.

Next, Celia. Where to even begin? She'd kissed him. Call was distinctly sure that had happened, and that he hadn't been imagining it, because he clearly remembered Aaron laughing in the background at him. Probably because of his confused arm-waving. 

But did Call like Celia? He honestly wasn't sure. She was kind, sweet, caring, and wonderful, a lot like Aaron. Except Aaron also had that other side to him . . . Call had never seen Celia have a dark side. She was super nice, though Aaron was as well. Maybe all people had dark sides. Call wasn't sure, but he knew he himself definitely had one. 

Only he wasn't going to think about it, because he was fine, and his friends didn't care, and everything was great now. 

Celia was also very pretty, with her dirty-blonde hair, which was much darker than Aaron's pale waves, and far bushier, usually pinned back with a cute clip or held at bay with a colourful hairband.

Celia's big eyes, light freckles, fuzzy sweaters, and cozy skirts were cute too. Celia was really cute. She was great. But would she expect him to ask her out? Probably. And Call had no clue what to do- no girls had ever liked him before, and he had no experience with this sort of hand-holding, dating stuff.

Finally, Tamara. He didn't know what was going on with him, but whenever he was around her he felt like he'd just been kicked. But, like, in a good way. Stunned, or speechless.

So with his murky, undecided opinions on his relationship with his not-a-brother-but-a-best-friend/Aaron, his situation with Celia, and the weirdness that seemed to radiate off Tamara like an . . . an . . . aura of weird, clearly Call had some issues.

Add all that to his awesome new chaos powers, which incidentally made him even more like Captain Fishface (though he wouldn't focus on that since he'd decided to stop with his Evil Overlord List), and Call's resulting double-counterweight arrangement with Aaron, which caused the two boys to be almost closer than ever before, well, Call was at a loss. 

And this time he had a feeling Warren wouldn't be able to help him out.


The mood at the Magisterium was different. 

Things felt oddly subdued. 

One sure reason for this was Jennifer's death. It hung over everyone. It seemed impossible that she'd never walk through the caves again. But it was possible. It was very possible, because Call had seen her body himself.

Another reason, one even more relevant to Call, was Aaron. The normally caring, understanding, kind, and generally happy friend had been replaced by a bitter, angry model who snuck glares at Celia at any chance. Aaron hated her. Aaron hated Celia- with a passion. It was crazy- he was acting as if she'd killed his grandma!

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