That Night!

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Clicking of stilettos is echoing in the air... A pretty girl in her mid-twenties wearing a black cocktail dress is walking alone in a pitch black alley. She's cursing her car that gave her a 'I'm down bitch, good luck with your walking alone' kiss....Checking her phone from time to time for the lost network to reappear miraculously, she walked around to find a way or someone to help her out.The clattering of glass bottles as they touch the asphalt made her gasp. A drop of anxiety trailed down her forehead. She gulped as she turned around to have a look at the cause of the sound.Heavy clumsy steps of some silhouettes made her alarmed as she fisted her phone and leather bag to her chest. Hootings and loud laughs we're getting closer to her, increasing her breaths. Her eyes widened as she realized that those predators got their eyes on her...—

On the other side...

A black Mercedes Benz is seen speeding on the roads. A young man in his late twenties is holding on to the steering hard, making his already pale knuckles look even whiter. His jaw clenching and unclenching to control his rage."You can't do a simple fucking job properly. How difficult is it for you to just track a girl down?" He roared onto his Bluetooth attached to his left ear."She is in the west alley two blocks away from Midnight moon club" finally, the tracker did his job.As soon as he heard that, he threw his Bluetooth device and increased his speed to reach the destination as fast as possible.He hit the break when he saw her car on the side near the dark alleyway. Shouting her name he ran down the narrow alley. He heard some muffled cries and followed the direction of those cries. His blood boiled at the sight of her being dragged by four built bodies.He pulled her to him and hid her behind his huge frame covering her small petite body. His dark eyes red with anger challenged them to make a move. The growl that escaped his chest made her shiver.He made her sit on the sidepath to deal with those four jerks. After succeeding in making them run for their dear life, he embraced her shivering form and coaxed her."Don't worry, I'm here now. And I won't leave you alone" he promised as he hissed those words with utmost sincerity in his eyes."Why?" she mewed, "why do you care?" digging herself more into his comforting warmth."Because..." "I AM YOUR BODYGUARD....."


HELLO, my dear sweeties, Here is a sexy story of Manik and Nandini. Full of action, romance, and of course a pinch of humor in it.Please leave your priceless votes and comments to let us know your views and how you feel.

Thank you so much for your time.

Dreamyritz and Dawndusk

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