Winged Love: Amends With The Past

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            A year. A year had passed since Danny and Eugene completed their last mission with Memphis Belle. So much had happened since then. They became a couple, Eugene got divorced and on top of that their family prepared a special ceremony for them, so they could get informally married. Life was good, and their family gave them their support every day. Danny and Eugene had a happy life on the farm and it seemed that nothing could ever destroy their happiness. Danny smiled at this thought and looked at his husband still sound asleep. It was wonderful to watch him rest.

"Good morning, Danny Boy," he suddenly heard Eugene's voice. "How are you?"

"Good morning, Genie," he replied with a happy smile and kissed his husband lovingly. "I'm great, like every morning when we're so close," he giggled and rolled on top of Eugene. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"How about we start the day as we finished yesterday?" Eugene chuckled and kissed Danny lovingly, pulling him even closer.

They spent hours before they finally got up and started getting dressed, but they were happy. They were happy to have the morning filled with love and passion before they would begin in their daily routine. Their feelings were growing stronger with every day, and they couldn't be any happier. Their life was beyond perfect. They were madly in love with each other, and their family were incredibly supportive. With time Eugene grew to be comfortable enough to address Danny's parents as Mom and Dad too, and this only made their bond stronger. Last year was filled with milestones and all kinds of emotions. They didn't regret a single bit. Even the hardest moments brought something positive in the end, and now a year since they completed their last mission, they were happily living together, surrounded by people who loved them unconditionally.

When they entered the kitchen, they were greeted by Danny's youngest sister, Mary.

"Good morning, love birds!" She chuckled happily. "I was just about to go to your room to bring you breakfast, but if you're up already, I guess you'd like to enjoy your meal on the porch?" She grinned, removing seemingly the last portion of bacon from the frying pan, and placed it on a big plate with what was already a big amount of the side dish. "You go and sit, I'll bring you coffee and then your food. I still gotta make your favorite pancakes."

"What's the occasion?" Danny asked with a big smile. Mary was constantly surprising him.

"Why, the anniversary of your last mission, of course, you bonehead!" She laughed and hugged her brother, and then Eugene. "I can't believe it was a year ago! Our two heroes!" She then chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Well, okay, three. Memphis Belle is our family too, as odd as it may sound. You gotta take me to wherever she is now, I wanna see her! Your pictures are amazing, but I bet Belle is even more beautiful in reality."

"We'll see what we can do," Eugene chuckled and ruffled Mary's hair. He often did that, it was his way of showing his sister, as he called her, affection. "I wouldn't mind paying her a visit too."

"Me neither! We'll find a way," Danny smiled brightly and started preparing coffee. When it was ready, he poured it into three cups. "And now, come on, I'm starving!"

"Good, go to the porch and I'll join you. Mom and Dad should be done with their morning chores soon, so we'll all sit and enjoy the beautiful weather," Mary almost pushed Danny and Eugene outside, which, of course, caused lots of laughter.

"So, who do you think we should contact to find out what happened to our trustworthy Belle?" Danny asked as he sat on his usual place at the table.

"I'd say Dennis, but you never know with this dude," Eugene replied with a smile as he sat next to his husband. "Do you have addresses of everyone from our crew? I remember you were noting some down."

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