Chapter 8: My Money Man

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        Being at school and seeing Tadashi and Honey together have been pretty hard...I know my feelings are still there, but I don't want to ruin my friendship with Honey...What should I do? It's hard to let go of Tadashi when I see him everyday at school. I decided to stay home today, I can't stay in the same room as him right now....

        But anyways, Hiro is a weird guy...He texts me everyday and sends pictures of himself to me a least once a day. About half of my photos saved on my phone are pictures of him. All I know about this guy is that he's 17, considers himself a professional bot fighter, and he doesn't go to school because he's too smart. He could go to college but I guess he doesn't want to. So anyway, as I came out of my apartment today to get some fresh air, I saw Hiro leaning against a motorcycle and I guess he was waiting for me, even though he didn't say he was coming by. 

        "Hey, what are you doing here?" I said to him as I gave him a small wave. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. To get to know each other more and have fun." He said as he walked towards me. "Well, since it's part of the deal, okay." I said and Hiro smiled. "So this is my motorcycle, hopefully you don't mind riding on it with me." He said as he got on his helmet. "I love motorcycles! Everything about them are amazing!" I said with my helmet on and I hopped on. "Cool, never meet a girl who loves speed. This is going to be a fun day. Hold on tight!" Hiro said, starting the engine and started to head to our first destination, a cheesecake shop. I held onto Hiro's waist and he smelled like cigarettes. "Do you smoke?" I said  to him. "Uh...yeah...Yes I do, to tell the truth." He answered back. "I know not a lot of people don't like the sent. I've been trying to quit for awhile, but I guess I need more help." He finished saying as we arrived at our destination. 

        "Here we are!" Hiro said and we both got off the motorcycle. "I've never been here before. Cool." I said and looked at the building. "Well, this place has the most delicious cheesecakes in the entire city. Let's go in." He said and opened the door for me. I looked around the room and it was a simple, cute looking shop. "Hello, what would you like to order today?" the cashier lady said to Hiro. "May we have 2 raspberry swirl cheesecakes today?" Hiro asked. "Sure thing. Make yourself at home and we'll be serving shortly in just a few moments." The lady went back into the kitchen and started to prepare our desserts, as for Hiro and I went to go sit at one of the tables. 

        "Let's take a photo!" Hiro suggested and I pulled out my phone. Snap! We took a photo and Hiro suggested to me that I should save it as my screen. "Why should I?" I said to him. "Because we're best friends, aren't we?" He said and gave me a smile. "Fine." I said and the picture was on my screen. "Here you guys go, 2 raspberry swirl cheesecakes." A waitress said as she handed us the plates. "Thank you." Hiro and I said as the waitress walked off. "Your welcome! Enjoy!" And she continued working. "This is amazing!" I said as I took another bite into the cheese cake. "I know right?" He was about to continue eating until he saw a family, a mother, a father, and 2 little boys...

      "Mommy, can we get this kind?" The younger boy said pointing out to the chocolate cheesecake. "Okay dear, what about you Josh?" The mother said to the older son. "I'll get the one that daddy chooses," He said smiling at his dad. The dad lifted up the boy and held the son in his arms. They finished ordering and headed out of the shop. I looked at Hiro and I could tell something was wrong..."You okay?" I said to him. "Hmm...That family kinda reminded me of mine...Except I don't have any parents...They died in a car accident...I never said goodbye, well I couldn't cause I was 3...I only have my older brother and aunt now..." He looked at me, gave a weak smile, and then continued eating. "I'm sor-," I was about to apologize until he stopped me. "Save it for a day when you mean it," He said without looking up. I looked at him and I know what it's like to lose a parent, so I continued to comfort him. "I know what it's like to lose a parent...I lost my mom in a motorcycle accident...And I too never got to say goodbye...My father never wanted me to do anything that involved speed, obviously I'm a rebel cause you know, I go to bot fights and I can never get away from speed..." I looked at him and returned that weak smile he gave me just awhile ago. "I guess we're kinda the same..." Hiro said to me. "I guess so..." I replied back and we finished eating and headed out. 

        After we finished eating, Hiro took me back to my apartment. "I had a great time today." I said to Hiro as I got off from the motorcycle. "I'm surprised you had fun with me today. I'll see you again." Hiro said as he was about to drive off. "Wait," I said stopping him. Hiro took his helmet off and looked at me. "Thanks...For hanging out...I know we haven't know each other for a long time but I can tell you mean well. I been going through a hard time in a way and spending time with you, somehow made me forget about my problems..." I heard myself say to this guy that I barely knew. He looked at me for awhile and then a smile formed on his face. "I'm glad to hear that I made you feel better. Bye for now. Take care okay?" He said and putted his helmet on once again. "I'll take care of myself. You take care of yourself too! Bye." I said and waved goodbye. Then he drove off and to tell the truth, I felt happy for once since I found out about Tadashi's and Honey's relationship ...I headed back to my apartment and rested for the rest of the day...


       When Gogo told me about her mom and how I made her feel better, I felt so useful, so...happy...I wanted to hug her. I know I barely now the girl but I wanted to! I like her! I want to be her boyfriend, not her money man. But it would be too sudden to ask her out. I hope when we get to know each other more, she could feel the same way I feel for her...



A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! GOODBYE 2014, but thanks for everything, bad and good...Anyways, thank you again readers! May 2015 be a year to remember! My words of wisdom for you all are be happy and learn to forgive! Thank you again! Next Chapter 9: For The First Time...

The Lover Of My Lover (Big Hero 6/Hirogo/Tadahoney Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now