Chapter 9

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Ichigo’s P.O.V

My entire body ached. It felt like every bone in my body was broken. “It’s apparent that he isn’t going to tell you Kensei, so why don’t you just let him go?” Kisuke said seriously, standing in between Kensei and I. Kensei brought me down to the training grounds to figure out why it was so complicated to be with Kaya. I honestly didn’t want to tell him, and I still haven’t. I knew that I needed to tell Kaya before I told anyone else, well besides Alex because honestly he would know the best route of going about things. I knew that when I told Alex, he would lose it. But I knew that in the end he wouldn’t want his sister upset more than she had to be, so I knew that he would help even if he ended up hating me. But since I haven’t told Kensei, his anger started to get the best of him, and we’ve been fighting ever since.

“I thought that I told you not to interrupt, Kisuke!” Kensei yelled, his eyes narrowing at Kisuke. Kisuke and Yoruichi decided that enough was enough and broke up the fight before one of us got seriously injured. Which, honestly, I am quite thankful for. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold my own against Kensei. Not for long by the way that my body was feeling.

“I said enough, Kensei. If he isn’t going to tell you, he isn’t going to tell you. You can’t beat the crap out of him until he does” Yoruichi said shifting her weight to her other foot. Her arms were crossed and she was staring at Kensei with a stern look. Kensei’s lips curved upward, a menacing smirk now playing on his lips.

“The hell I can’t. And if you guys keep standing in my way, I’ll force you guys to move and honestly I don’t know to do that. My problem isn’t with either of you, it’s with Ichigo. So I won’t say it again, but the both of you need to move, now!” Kensei said, his voice rising higher and higher with each word that he spoke. I could tell that he was being totally serious. It doesn’t matter who was in his way, he was going to make me tell him one way or another.

“Kensei, I know you’re mad at me for hurting Kaya. Honestly I’m not meaning to. But this is between me and her, not you. Yo-“

“You’re making it worse Ichigo. So please be quite” Kisuke said, interrupting me. He looked back at me and glared. I could tell that he wanted to know just as much as Kensei does. But Kisuke knew that Kaya should be the one to know first before anyone else. That’s the only reason he was stopping the fight between Kensei and I.

“You know, Ichigo. All you do is hurt her” Kensei spoke softly, pausing briefly to give me a serious look. “And honestly, I’m tired of it. I get it, you love her and she loves you. But what the hell is so god damn complicated with asking her to be your damn girlfriend. You can fuck her, sleep with her, and do everything that boyfriends and girlfriends do. But you can’t make anything official. That right there tells me that you’re just messing with her damn head. And I will not tolerate that anymore!” Kensei finished, his spiritual pressure rising. Kensei’s hollow mask slowly started to appear on the side of his head, his eyes going from a dark brown to a golden yellow. His hollow was getting ready to make an appearance.

“Hichigo, I’m going to need your help with Kensei’s hollow” I told Hichigo. I could see Hichigo’s eyebrow rise in a questionable manner.

“Now why the fuck would I help you? You know, Kensei is right. All you do is hurt Kaya, no matter how much you claim to love her, you still find a damn way to break her heart. Are you just playing games with her, king? Or do you really honestly care about her like you claim that you do?” Hichigo asked me. I rolled my eyes at him, a low sigh escaping my now parted lips.

“We don’t have time to discuss this right now, Hichigo. We will talk later. Now are you going to help me?” I asked him seriously, ignoring the questions that he had asked me. The only real reason that I was avoiding them was because I honestly didn’t know how to answer them right now. My head is swarming with so many questions that as unanswered. I am honestly confused right now. I know that I love Kaya; I always have since the first day that I met her. But after she left and I figured that she was never coming back, things had changed. Maybe that was the real problem here, the changes that were made.

Is our love strong enough?(Ichigo Kurosaki sequal)Where stories live. Discover now