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As his eyes fluttered open Jack took a couple the moments to let the sleep drain from his mind. Looking over at his alarm clock, he quickly reached over and switched it off. 3:59 AM, as usual. As the young man stood up out of bed and started stretching, he thought to himself. "Old habits die hard I guess. Still, I wonder if I'll ever actually need that thing? I mean it's been almost four years and I don't think that alarm's gone off once."

Putting these thoughts aside he walked over and unhooked his phone from the charger on his dresser. A moment later he had a timer set for an hour, when his mom would get up. After that, he went back to his bed and spent a few minutes checking on the contents he had stored underneath. Satisfied, Jack put everything back in its place. Used to be a simple look over like that wouldn't suffice at all but some things have started to slip with time, despite his stubborn internal clock. Jack spent the hour doing a quick sweep of his room to make sure that everything was in its place, then did a regiment of simple exercises until the timer went off. 

Silencing his phone, he went to the closet and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt before heading out his door to the kitchen. After turning the coffee pot on, he got out a few pans and started making the usual breakfast fair. Scrambled eggs, bacon, a couple of small steaks and some hash browns.

While cooking Jack couldn't help but chuckled to himself as he remembered a few years ago when his mom got on a fitness Kik. She had wanted to start making low calorie, low-fat healthier meals for both of them. They had gone back and forth on the subject for days until Jack had sat down, written out the math and shown her that his body just wouldn't run on "health food". His good humor quickly turned sour however, when he remembered his mother's retort. "But this diet should be fine for a boy your age."

What followed after could only be described as a painfully awkward silence, as both of their minds registered what his mother had said and both were at a complete loss for what to say or do next. Just like that, an issue that had been there for months was suddenly and unexpectedly brought front and center. As simple and mundane as it would seem, a casual discussion about dietary choices had painfully cut through the illusion of normalcy the small family had entertained.

The sound of steps coming down the hallway derailed his thoughts as he greeted his mother without taking his eyes off the food. "Morning mom." 

"Good morning, sweetie." June Darby replied through a yawn. 

"Coffee should be about done and I'll have the table set in a minute."

"Thank you Jack." June said with a smile in her voice as she made her way to the coffee. As she began to pour herself a cup, she commented jokingly "I swear, it's like mother's day every day with you isn't it? Are you ever gonna let me do anything around here?"

Jack chuckled while he put the food on the table, "Can't help it, I'm naturally responsible. That, and I get bored easily. And besides, is there a law somewhere that says that I can't take care of my mom?"

June just smirked and shook her head while she took a seat with her coffee at the kitchen table. "First of all, High school and a job isn't enough for you? And second, there is a law against it when your poor mother starts putting on pounds she doesn't need." she said with a fake pout. 

Jack rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Right and I'm sure your nice relaxing dull completely inactive job in an emergency room does absolutely nothing to help you with all the calories."

After that, conversation lulled as both of them were digging into their breakfast. As usual, Jack finished eating much faster than his mother and got up to get himself a glass of orange juice. 

Seeing where her son was going, June commented between bites, "I still don't know how you can just eat all that food and not drink anything.".

Jack shrugged while pulling the juice carton out of the fridge and replied with a bit of humor in his tone. "Sitdown meals are still kinda new to me I guess, not use to getting my food and drink all at once."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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