16 | scampare

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"Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power."


The rotting smell of Alpha Landon spread in the air quicker than I had expected. I groaned and pushed my hand over my mouth. He definitely smelled disgusting and dead. I spent the rest of the night in worry and in the room where I had killed the Alpha. What was I going to do with all this? Bane wanted to punish me and now, he was just going to kill me and not even be bothered by it.

I stole a glance at the body and fell on the floor. This was going to doom me. Escaping wasn't an option, the grounds were covered by Alpha Landon's men and Bane. They weren't going to let me go even if I begged for it.

The only option I had left was to wait for the morning to arrive. Hopefully, someone or the other will help me out of here.

The faint chirping and cars honking at each other reached to me and my eyes fluttered open. I had taken a nap on the ground, beside the window and the dead body. I frowned at the scent and stood up, walking towards the door and opening it slightly so I could see who was in the hallway.

To my surprise, I found Mr. Hyde—Cedric speaking to someone.

"Cedric!" I whispered, slowly so the other man wouldn't hear me. He turned around confused and tried to find the source of the voice. When I repeated his name again, his gaze met mine and he came towards me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, whispering. The other man walked away.

I clutched on the handle tightly, not wanting to let it go. If I opened the door anymore, the scent would enter the hallways and everyone would be curious.

"I need help," I whispered.


"Come in,"

I glanced at each direction of the hallway and once I was confirmed that no one was there, I let Cedric come inside the room. His face scrunched with disgust and then, he gasped, eyes widening with what I had just done.

"I can explain," I raised my hands in front of me in case he tried to something, "He came to my room last night and tried to force himself upon me. I swear, it was self-defense,"

Cedric reeled backward and his features tensed, "Oh, god, Myra, what have you done?"

"It was self-defense," I repeated, even though it was a lie. The first formal swing of the sharp object was self-defense but after that, it was simple anger. "Please, I need to get out of here. No one can know what had happened here. Everyone will kill me," I begged with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Myra, you killed an Alpha!" he exclaimed, directing his hands towards the body. "And, we are on his territory, you won't get out of here alive."

"Please, please, Cedric, do something. I know I messed up but I couldn't help myself, he was forcing me to have sex with him. It happened so quickly,"

"All right, all right," he sighed, moved back and rubbed his palms over his sweaty forehead. I stood by the window and kept quiet until he didn't continue, "I will do something, just wait here and don't let anyone in the room."

The Alpha's DesireWhere stories live. Discover now