Commander's of Chaos

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

Chapter I

Percy's POV

I walked over to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door. Malcolm, son of Athena, opened it and smiled at me.

"Hi Percy" he said.

"Hi Malcolm." I replied, "Have you seen Annabeth?"

"Yeh, she's down at the beach." he said helpfully.

"Thanks." I said before running off to the beach.

When I got to the beach I saw two girls making out with Mark, an ignorant son of Ares. He arrived about a month ago, and soon after he arrived, everyone was in love with him. This didnt really bother me, so I just ingored them and got on with life. In his sudden hate towards me, Mark started stealing my friends, spreading rumors and blaming things on me. Eventually I only had five friends left. Jason, Piper, Thalia, Nico and Annabeth. Thalia was with the Hunters so I didnt get to see her much. Nico was in the Underworld, helping out his dad. So that just left three people. My life's been pretty miserable since. Not wanting to disturb them, I walked as far away as possible from them and sat under a tree, waiting for Annabeth.

I couldn't help but over hear what the small group were saying.

"Oh Mark, you are sooo much better than Jason, I can't believe I ever loved that guy!" exclaimed one of the girls, who, I realised with a jolt was Piper. Great, another friend lost to the amazing Mark.

"Yeh, I agree with Piper, Percy's SUCH an idiot, I can't believe I ever fell for him!" said the other girl.

My head snapped up. It was Annabeth! MY Annabeth! I stood up suddenly, rage boiling through me. I sent a wave crashing over them just as lightning shot down from the sky. I turned and ran back to my cabin.

Jason's POV

I was walking along the beach, waiting for Piper to arrive. I noticed a couple making out and walked away to give them privacy. I skimmed up a tree and sat there, looking out to where the sky and sea met.

From to couple making out I heard the girl, who sounded strangely like Piper, say "Oh Mark, you are sooo much better than Jason, i cant believed i ever loved that guy!"

I nearly fell out of the tree. I stared at Piper, unable to believe what I was hearing. Piper, my girlfriend, loved that stuck up brat Mark! My eyes stung with tears as I stared at them. Then i realised someone else was with the two, Annabeth! When I heard Annabeth's voice, I was jolted out of my shock and anger suddenly boiled in me. I willed lightning to fry the idiot Mark and the whores with him and saw a wave crash on them as the lightning struck. I turned and ran to my cabin. I flung a couple of things into a bag and left my cabin, heading towards half blood hill.

Percy's POV

I turned around, surprised as Jason walked up the hill.

"Ah, so you saw it to, did you?"I asked in a miserable tone.

Jason nodded. I saw he was trying to hold back tears, much like I was.

"Well, let's get going then, seeing as there's nothing keeping us here." Jason said, lifting his bag higher on his back. I nodded, and with a final glance back at Camp Half Blood, which had once upon a time been our home, we left.

For a couple of months we'd help young Demi-gods find their way to camp half blood, or hunt down monsters, not caring where we went. At one point Jason and I visited Mum's apartment. It had been blown up. There were no survivors. I'd been a shell for weeks, destroying monsters out of pure anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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