38 - SisterShook

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"To the center!" You shouted in a snarky way, starting to fall down the massive hole Shigaraki made.

You all fell to the next floor, then before you could hit the ground, that floor disintegrated. That happened over and over again.

"How many floors does this place have?" You asked, organizing your bag in mid-air.

"25. We should be at the bottom soon." Dabi yawned, re-loading his tranquilizer gun with darts.

The 5 of you kept falling, until a important thought entered your head.

'How is everyone else supposed to get to the bottom safely?'

But that problem was quickly solved by Kurogiri. He made a portal, and you all teleported to the bottom, where he and the other two league members where.

"Let's go, we need to find the new gem room. The real one was actually a trap." Hima shrugged with a sigh.

"We have an idea on where it might be." Compress said, walking off into the direction.

You all followed the three, and didn't miss this chance to tell them about how everything went down.

"-and then I was like: "Dasvidaniya~"!" You cackled.

"That was coo-

"Guys, we're here." Compress opened the door, revealing a large room with the gem in the back. "I found out about this place when I was going through the files in order to turn off the quirk barrier."

"Welp lets get this done." You laughed, walking over to the gem. You levitated yourself over to it, then created a mini-scythe with your hand.

You then broke the rock surrounding the gem, then yanked it out of its place.

"Well that's taken care of-

//Alarm sound//

"Oh shet. Hima what did you do?" Dabi asked, with sarcasm.

"C'mon lets get out of here." Kurogiri said, opening the door for everyone. You all filed out of the room, then made a break for it once you where out of the building.

"FREEZE! HANDS UP!" You all heard the clicking of guns, but you all could t see well due to the snow storm. All of a sudden, large stage lights turned on from helicopters, and they all where pointed at you and the league.

You quickly opened your bag, then got out a notebook with a pen. You wrote a couple of things down, then ripped out the page. Knowing well what was going to happen next, you teleported the gem over to Mei, along with the note.


Mei was at home, fixing one of her failed projects.

"C'mon... there!" She said with a smile, picking up the device. It was supposed to help with night vision along with heat vision.

Before Mei could put them on, a loud thump came from in front of her. She looked up, then her eyes widened. There sat the Turquoise Jadeite, with a little note attached to it. Mei picked it up. The note read:

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