Chapter 18 - Island Witnesses

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Lobo reeled his line in.

"Darn, no fish yet." He stared at the droopy worm carcass that was sagging limply from the hook.


Lobo turned just as Dom went hurtling up behind up before shoving him behind Rosie's house, which was right next to the river.

"What are-" Lobo almost shouted, his joints protesting at Dom's rough movements.

"Shhh! Shut up!"

Lobo had a good mind to wack Dom on the head with a net, but he stayed quiet.

"What... why are we here?" Lobo hissed.

"Shhh! He might be coming!"

Yeah, he was definitely going to hit Dom after this.


Dom held up a finger just as a new sound entered Lobo's ears.

Someone was stomping. Stomping? Lobo had never known someone could make that much noise just by stomping on grass. But he could hear the clomp clomp clomp of someone's feet slamming into the bushes before pounding into the grass.



Lobo turned to stand up, but then when he saw the silhouette, he flattened back down.

It was undoubtedly Tom Nook. But... why was he out here? Why was he stomping? Why was he walking so angrily? What was going on? Could something be happening? Questions raced through Lobo's mind, but he could not find any adequate answers.

"You see him?" Dom whispered.


"What's he doing?"

They stared at each other. Neither had even the beginnings of an answer.


Meanwhile, already halfway across the island, Tom was coming for blood.

Anger burned like fire in his veins, consuming any other emotion whole. How dare HE! HOW DARE HE! Redd had shown up, thrown his life into upheaval, and when they'd gotten close together, Redd had let it happen! He had not mentioned what had happened previously between them, hadn't even shown any emotion of remembering it! It was one thing to ruin Tom's life and drain his bank account, but to pretend nothing ever happened and just... show up? Not care? He really was a horrible person!

I never should have trusted him. I was right from the start, Tom thought angrily.

It was 3'oclock in the morning, but he didn't care. Last time, he never got the oppurtunity to tell Redd exactly what he'd thought of him. Now he did - and he wasn't letting it go. He wouldn't let it go for nothing. He hated himself - why, why, why did he have to do the memory charm? He thought it would remove the scar Redd left behind in his life, but it had just added another when he'd forgotten him and gotten close with him again. And Redd! Diabolical Redd! He couldn't believe it - he had pretended he'd never known Tom! It was also his fault - his huge, fat fault, and he was going to let him know that's what he thought. Nothing more. He would make him sorry.

He saw the boat on the horizon near the beach, a dark shape against the night sky. Smoke billowed out of the top. Good. So the liar was in there. He picked up his pace.



Freya's glass of strawberry juice smashed against the side of her house.

"What the hell?"

No one should be yelling that loud. No one in the right mind would be yelling that loud at 3 IN THE MORNING! But it seemed Tom was. His voice echoed over the island, and this time, it was full of both anguish and anger. It sent chills down Freya's spine. She'd never heard someone in such pain before in all her life, and she'd seen a lot of angry people! Those chills were replaced by annoyance, however, when she turned to face Dom.

It Couldn't Be... Love? | Tom Nook x Redd | Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now