× oof this could probably become a story ×

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{ Her name is moonstone this was also a quick sketch }

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{ Her name is moonstone this was also a quick sketch }

She was running and running as far as possible but with each step and touch on the ground or object...etc... They would glow bright and they seem to find her because of the glowing trail to where ever she goes too. They would alway track her down as try there best to take her back to the lab but she would always run away to not get captured by the horrible mean scientist that cause her this pain the one's who hurt her and hurt her family the most.

When she was running to a old house that looked abandon from the looks of the house it was trashed have broken windows the paint was pealing off and everything. She went to the back room to look around the place to see if there is anything she can use to help her out. She went into each room there was only one bedroom and one bathroom in that house and when she went to look for food they were all molded and sticky and rotting so that was not a option.

She went to the bathroom next leaving a glowing trail where she went inside the bedroom seeing what might be in there she found a first aid kit so she picked up but, as always it start to glow which didn't surprises her that much and went into the last room of all that was the bedroom. She found and bag under the bed and grabbed it and put the first aid kit inside it she looked inside the closet with no clothes but a black box on the floor board.

When she opened the box there where some fresh clothes in the black box. She was so happy she can finally change out of the ripped up gown she was made to wear each day in the lab she took it off and change into the outfit which was comfortable but what shocked her that it didn't glow at all.

She tried touch the bag it stopped glowing! She questions what material her outfit was made out of the floor stopped glowing as well she was very very confused on what was happening.

She left the house with the bag and a few stuff in there she found in the house she travel to find a place to get away from the scientist without having to worry about leaving a glowing trail anymore.

( You didn't have to read all that but if you did give me your opinion on how good the I written the story)


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