0. (Y/n)

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If your wondering what (O/s/n) means it's a abbreviation for older sibling name.
(Your 7 in this chapter)

It was a beautiful day outside. Mama was in the field tending to the crops of vegetables. Papa was cutting the wood with his mighty axe. (O/s/n) was doing the laundry. And I was chasing a butterfly. Until it started to fly into the woods by our home. I'm a stubborn kid so I didn't stop. Until a hand grabbed my shoulder and I turned around to see (O/s/n). "Hey lil (bro/sis) don't wander too far. And when you go out you have to tell mom, dad or tell me. Okay?" I nodded and ran to my parents. "Mama, papa I'm going to find my butterfly! okay? I'll be quick. So don't be sad." Then give them a quick hug that made them to chuckle. Then I hugged my older sibling before running into the woods. But what I didn't know that was the last time I would see them. After running a fairly far distance I found the butterfly. Before I could grab it I blacked out.

When I finally woke up back in Ninjago it was 3 years later. I couldn't move. It seemed that I was looking through some else's eyes. They seemed to be looking out of a window. I heard them sigh. "Lloyd! Are even paying attention class is over." A teacher that looked like he was about to kill anyone with a glare. Well it seems that the person I'm stuck with, is called Lloyd. They just stood up and walked out the room. They were just walking through a hallway until they were stopped by a bunch of boys. "Lloyd you know it's your birthday and you know what that means..." they seemed to take a few steps back. "Come on. Gene you don't have to do this every year!" I finally was able to hear their voice it was a bit high but from that I know that they are a he. The boys gived Lloyd a few punches on his arms or flicked him on the forehead. "There 10 hits from all of us. Now you're 10." They all left after that. I could feel the throbbing on his arms and head. It seemed that I could only feel a small proportion of his pain. I decided to try something, with all my concentration I was able to soothe his pain. I couldn't feel any more pain. His body seemed to jolt from the different condition he felt a few minutes ago. After much debating I decided to see if I could talk to him. "Lloyd are you okay?" I cringed on how that stupid that sounded. He looked around "who's there?" He sounded a bit scared and startled. "Calm down I'm your lovable conscience." I couldn't think of anything else. What was I going to say? 'Hey Lloyd I'm a kid that blacked out in the middle of the woods and woke up in your body.' I'll just make him think he's going crazy. "What? If I had you all my life and now you talk to me?" At least he does question but is he gullible? "Well Lloyd on special and rare occasions when someone turns 10. They can have a conscience that talks to you directly." And now the bait is set now will the fish take it? "Oh of course I'm special! I'm Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon. The future dark ruler of Ninjago!" He's too gullible. "I see. Well nice to finally meet you Lloyd. " That's how I met Lloyd. He's a nice kid, he a bit too nice for a person of evil. Not exactly evil as he wants too be. But I got used to him as he got used to talking to me. I actually have fun with him when we plan pranks. Although I wish I could actually be there. I can feel his loneliness and I knew that very well. I like to think that I make him feel that less. Sometimes I would like to do something worse than just pranks. I don't know but something is pulling me back from these ideas. I guess I'm stuck with Lloyd. He doesn't mind much about me talking or commenting things during the day. He even replies back or laughs at my jokes.

He's taken a custom of talking about everything to me. Which also lead him to a habit of him talking out loud when he's 'alone'. I don't mind most of the time I have nothing to do. I usually pay attention to everything that Lloyd doesn't, it helps when information is needed. Or I see what I can do in Lloyd's body if I concentrate enough. Most of the time I'm limited to do things without Lloyd doing something. With this much boredom I started to monitor and learn about Lloyd and his actions. This makes me a stalker in a way but it's not my fault. I didn't ask for this or that I can't do anything about my boredom.

Where he lives is certainly weird. I've never been in a boarding school, it's a nightmare come to life. Living in a school with all your teachers, I think everyone would hate it. Not only that Lloyd seemed like out cast there. The boys would pick on him, but they wouldn't take it too far. I guess because he's the son of Lord Garmadon a very feared man. At least what I know of, I never seen the guy. So don't be expecting me being scared. He's Lloyd's father and seeing Lloyd, I bet secretly he's a softie too.

In the middle of class the announcement thing came on. (Idk on what they're called) "Lloyd Garmadon please come to the principal's office." Everyone seemed to stare at him, as he walked out.

I get the feeling something big is going to happen.

Should I make the chapters longer or shorter? If you have ideas or recommendations on future chapters don't hesitate to comment.
Lazy out! ~☆

(1026 words count)

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