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1. Yes, I want a boyfriend, however, it will never happen because I am very awkward/sarcastic. I dont talk during class (where my crush is) because I'm paranoid. Haha the stuff I think up during that class is gold. The teacher was assigning partners for the dissection, and she tried to make sure a boy went with a girl. My first thought was: 'This is Biology, not Chemistry, wtf are you doing'

2. Uhm... oh wow idk. Last virtual hug was from Winnie, but irl hug? I can't remember. Way more than a month, probably not even this year.

3. Yes? No? Idfk, I get jealous and then I realize I shouldnt be jealous until I get jealous again. Rinse and repeat.

4. Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I mean like, it depends. If its silicone, hell yeah. Are we on a long car trip (10+ hours)? Then yes. Otherwise, no.

5. Uhm, idk. Yes? It depends. I never cry in front of family, no matter what. But when I'm alone I cry all the time.

6. Uhm what makes me laugh... 

Well well well

7. Yes, I do believe in love and I can't wait to find it.

8. You decide, heres an example:

*lightning, thunder, trees falling, girls in nearby tents screaming* 

Me: sleeps

Different senario

*baby sister whimpers slightly and shifts .00000000000001 inches*

Me: instantly awake

9. Uhm Winnie. 😊

10. Uhm, no? .... no, I dont think I'm mad at anyone atm

11. Thats debatable. My parents expect me to have kids, and dont get me wrong, I would love to have kids, but idk if its my path in life.

12. Uhm, I like where I live. USA, Alabama. Yup. 

13. Yes, I do. And I havent seen him since... shit when did I last see him?!?!?! Fuck corona. Its been months. And I checked the roster for the classes I'll be attending this year, he isnt in any of them 😭 oh well

14. Intelligence, ability to put up with my sarcasm, and they have to make me feel like I actually am someone, if that makes sense.

15. My biggest goal atm is to be able to sleep cuz I made the mistake of watching scary videos. Fml.

Aight, tags I guess

Okay, bye!

(Bi? Are you bi?)

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