I love you♡

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Double D's pov:

"Okay babe, i'll see you at school.", I said as I hurried out of my house, into my car and off to school. Kevin and I have been dating for a while, but our relationship will probably become long distance once we both graduate. We don't want that to happen so we're trying to make the best out of each day. Today would be really special since Kevin said so. I arrived at school 30 minutes early. I spotted Kevin in the hallway by my locker. He held cute blue and purple flowers.

"Good morning love, how are you on this fine day?", Kevin said handing double d the flowers.

"Wonderful, thank you for asking! ", edd said as he leaned in for a kiss. The whole hallway filled up with the sound of awwwe's. Kevin and edd had been voted school's cutest couple this past year and they still held the title.

"Wait, are we having class today? ", I asked.

"No, actually we are supposed to be heading to the gym for a special announcement.", Kevin said as he looked at his watch for the time.

"Okay then, let's go", I said as we grabbed each other's hand and headed for the gym.

"Okay you sit here in front and i'll be right back", Kevin said. The bell had just rung and all the kids were in the gym. The principal came out with a grin on his face.

"Okay students, we called you all in here today for the reason you all already know about. We've been planning on this for weeks and it's now in action. I would like to present to you Kevin! ", the principal said as the crowd went wild. What the heck was going on. I had no idea what was happening. Kevin walked on stage.

"May I please have double d come up to the stage?", Kevin asked so politely. I walked onto the stage from my seat and I faced Kevin. He was at least 4 inches taller than me so I had to look up a little.

"Okay,", Kevin said as the crowd went silent,  " i've been going out with you for a while double d and i've enjoyed every moment of it. I know that soon we will be graduating and our relationship might be effected unless you can answer this question. Okay... Double d?", Kevin said as he went down onto one knee. "Would you marry me?", Kevin pulled out a ring as I felt speechless. My face felt warm. My hands were over my heart. Everyone fell silent waiting for an answer. All I could do was nod my head up and down as tears filled my eyes.

"Yes... I would love too", I finally said. The whole school went wild as Kevin leaned into me for a passionate kiss. Our tongues slid in and out and danced the tango, just like on our wedding day.

"I love you dork", Kevin said.

"I love you too Kevin", I responded.

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