Chapter 35.

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"Sorry?" Aryaman blinked his eyes, trying to settle with the situation just happened as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder while amazement never left his face "Did he just apologized to me?"

Pressing her lip with the pondering thoughts, Nandini kept looking to the way where his highly mortified and distressed frame disappeared.

Manik looked utterly dishevelled with his emotions. And with what she has always seen, she knew he will not be good with holding onto it. He was never good at holding his emotions together. Either he was cold or highly aggressive.

And she used to be always around when he needed a bait to calm his aggression.

How foolish of her.

"Nandini." She snapped out of her self talks and looked out ahead and found the intent watchful gaze of Aryaman fixated upon her "Is there something going on between you and him?"

"Why are you asking that?" She asked instead without making any shift in her expression.

"Whatever has happened just now, is it not permissible for me to ask you a question?" The serious certainty in his tone made Nandini press her lips more into grim before she quirk a smile "There is nothing, Aryaman."

Aryaman stared down to the cutlery in his grip and looked back up at her the second later when something struck to him "You use to crush on him. And now he, somehow, seems to be having some sort of things for you which..which is same as you use to have for him."

"What are you trying to hint on, Aryaman?" She asked briskly with annoyance layering deep down into her tone on which Aryaman dropped down the spoon and reclined back before sighing "Is there something which I should know? Like anything?"

"No, Aryaman, there is nothing as such which needs your concern." Nandini pressed on with sheer exasperation.

"Then why do I feel like there is a story between you two guys." He queried out in same favour making Nandini flutter her eyes out of aggravation "Why do you think there must be some story in between us, Aryaman?"

"Because he looks you the way you used to look at him then, Nandini." Aryaman exclaimed out loud driving some attention in the dining over him making Nandini fluster, before he went self conscious and lowered down his tone "We have known him since our early college days, Nandini. He use to ignore you like a plague."

Nandini grimace slightly on his word whereas Aryaman shut pressed his lips and held up his hand slightly "My apology. But just think from my point of view, Nandini, how am I not suppose to have this thought that there is nothing as such in between-"

"-there is indeed nothing in between, Aryaman. Stop asking questions. It is annoying me." Pressing on her temple, Nandini heaved out.

Reaching out for her hand resting on the table, Aryaman looked at her with a penitent gaze "I..I didn't meant to work you up, Nandini. But you have to understand me too. I'm concerned. Since then, neither have you talked about your anonymous of a husband nor about your feelings, which you are under-choking. Don't you want to cross those pain and overcome everything?"

"I'm your friend, Nandini. Your wellwisher." Looking at the hand he was holding, Nandini gazed up and stared at him as he pleaded sadly "Talk it out with me."

The swirl of an emotion behind those spectacles made Nandini feel suddenly awkward as she silently slipped out her hand from him and reclined back before clearing her throat "There is nothing I want to talk. I have overcome everything. There is nothing holding me back."

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