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It all started with a "crunch".

Late one night in a seemingly normal household was a family of four enjoying yesterday's lasagna for dinner. Little did the town know, the family had done much more than just prepare dinner an hour ago, and soon, the whole town would be wrapped up in their mess.

The family's middle iconic middle child, Beatrix, had just finished her share of the delicious lasagna when she asked to be excused from the table to go to her room. Out of nowhere, she suddenly feels a sharp pain coming from the palms of her hands. She tries to hide her pain as she looks down at her palms. She realizes she had dug into her nails once again, leaving a scar of the flesh she had ripped off and leaving also another type of scar. A metaphorical scar of her guilt that will be forever haunting her wherever Beatrix went.

Once her parents excused her from the table, she ran straight to her room. She flopped onto her bed, lunged for her pillow, and started bursting into tears.

It had felt like her whole life was falling apart. Like she just couldn't take it anymore. All these lies were just too much to bear. There was only one thing she was happy about. After today, summer would be over and she would be going back to school. But she wouldn't just be going to school, Beatrix would be running towards her one escape from all the family drama, from all the crimes they had been committing, she would be free from all the things she had to hide in thirteen hours, counting.

Before she knew it, Beatrix had cried so much that she had drifted into a salty sweet dream. Everything went foggy. She fell deep, deep into a trance.

The next thing she saw was her school. Her and all her friends on the recreation center of Greenfield High. It was the beginning of what she thought would be her first good dream in a while. She ran towards her friends, except, it seemed like she had been running for hours but she wasn't getting anywhere. She kept running forwards but for some reason, it seemed as though she had been getting farther and farther away from her friends, from her goal...

Was this it? Was it all supposed to be a metaphor for her life? Were her friends the happiness which she would never be able to reach? And it was all because of them... all because of her family.

Beatrix froze in place. She for stopped running for once in her life. She stopped trying to chase after something she knew she would never be able to reach.

She jetted out of bed, hyperventilating. She noticed that there was some sort of "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" noise coming from her left. The noise came from right next to her ear which only amplified the obnoxious, alarming, sound. That's when it hit her. It was her alarm that had been making that petrifying uproar. A wide grin suddenly spread across her face as she realized she would finally be going to school today. Beatrix wiped that grin straight off her face as she noticed the time on her clock. SHE HAD WOKEN UP AT 7:45!!! She would be late to her first day of school if she didn't get out of the house in five minutes!

That was the prologue of my story! I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did, please follow @Catz121 for more! Thank you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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