A fresh start... Well almost.

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The story will be switching between Samantha and Sherlock's PoV throughout the story. Happy reading! :)
Samantha's PoV
You where sitting in your yard with the dark curly haired boy, who lived next door when your mother called for dinner, "Samantha Rose, dinner!" "Will I see you tomorrow?" The boy asked "Of course Sherlock." You assured the boy, and went off to your mother for dinner. You opened the door, there stood your brother, "hello Sam." He greeted you, you nodded in reply. You looked past him to see your mother lying on the floor, looking as though she was asleep "mum?"
~end of dream~
I awoke from my nightmare, shaking and sweating, "that's in the past now Sam." I whispered to myself, I glanced at the clock "crap." I muttered, it was 6:00am already, I felt as though I had only just gone to bed. I got up, had a shower, got dressed, made tea and left for my new job.

Sherlock's PoV
I sipped my tea and looked around my room for my scarf, "ah there it is." I muttered to myself finding it on my dresser next to a framed photo, of you and Sam at the age of nine, you both had Rosie cheeks, because you had been playing in the snow. I wonder what she's up to now? I heard a cough from my doorway, it was John, "ready?" He asked, you nodded in reply.

Samantha's PoV
I arrived at the station and asked who I presumed to be a secretary "do you know where Greg Lestrade's office is?" You asked politely, "second floor, first door on your left. Are you the new detective?" The secretary asked "Yes, Samantha Rose .M" I held out my hand and she shook it, "nice to meet you." I smiled politely at her and walked to the elevator, I pressed the second floor button and rode up. "First door on the left." You whispered to yourself, I knocked lightly on the office door before it opened, revealing a man, who you guessed was in his early fifty's,"Greg Lestrade?" You asked "you must be Samantha Rose .m" I nodded "well come on in, we have a few things to talk about before we get you set up."

Sherlock's PoV
"I just don't understand why you drink up to three cups of tea in the morning." John argued, while we rode the elevator to Lestrade's office "because it keeps me awake." I simply answered. "It just seems like a waste." John muttered to himself. I opened the door without knocking because Lestrade never had anyone in, this time you where a little shocked, as he was talking to a blonde woman, Lestrade looked up and glared at you "sorry am I interrupting?" I asked not really caring, "yes, but I'm glad your here I have someone I would like you to meet." The woman stood up and turned around. You where shocked to see who it was "Sam" "Sherlock" you both said at the same time. I hugged her tightly "where have you been?" I asked still shocked.

Samantha's PoV
"Places." You answered, while hugging him tightly. I pulled away "whatever." He said with a smirk. I looked behind myself to see a very confused Greg. "Do you two know each other?" He asked "we grew up together." You again both answered at the same time. "Ahem." A man behind Sherlock said, "oh, Samantha, John Watson, John, Samantha Rose .M." Sherlock said introducing the two of you "I'm Sherlock's colleague and flat mate." John said. You shook his hand "nice to meet you." You said trying to be nice even though you were still taken back by who you bumped into. "Well Sherlock this is the newest detective to the station." Greg said interrupting your thoughts.

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