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Samantha's PoV
"Victim has bullet wound to the right side of his head, not much blood, therefore he was dead before he was shot. Lestrade, it's a murder not a suicide!" I listened to a giddy Sherlock, I haven't seen him make a deduction since we were young. "He was left handed, 'the note' is all smudged as though he had dragged his hand across the paper after writing." "It would have been a hassle to reach a gun to the right side of his head with his left hand, don't you think?" I thought out loud "mmmmhmmmm." Was Sherlock's reply. "Oh god there's two of them now." I heard John mutter "sorry what was that John?" I asked as though a hadn't heard him "no-nothing." He stuttered. That's what I thought, Sherlock turned around and left the room, John and I followed, not knowing where he was going.

Sherlock's PoV
Looks like you've met someone close to me, haven't you?
I got that text and I left the crime scene instantly.

Samantha's PoV
Hello little sister, it seems as though you've reunited with an old friend.
What do you want James? I thought you said you would leave me alone now.
Now I'm just trying to take care of my little sister, well goodbye for now.
You felt a breath behind you, Sherlock had been over your shoulder reading the texts, but you hadn't realized he was there
"What's your last name?" He asks sternly "m-Moriarty." I said nervously worried he would hate me after finding out who my brother was. Sherlock and John where both glaring at me. "Im sorry I'll leave." Apologizing. "You don't have to do that." John said sounding confused. "I always knew there was so thing off about your brother." Sherlock said.

Sherlock's PoV
How could she be the younger sister of your worst enemy, but Sam is so sweet, and Jim is so evil. "Sherlock?" "Hmm?" "I was just suggesting that Samantha rose live with us in the spare room ." That would keep her a lot safer, and you might be able to find out where she had gone all those years ago. "James told me that my mum had a heart attack, and that we had to leave, I being young decided to follow my older brother. I recently found out he had killed her, so I escaped." Sam said as if reading your mind. So she's been with that monster? She then pulled down her sleeve a bit more so it covered her whole wrist. "Show me you wrist, Sam." I ordered "why?" She asked sternly, so I walked over to her and grabbed her wrist and pulled up her sleeve. What I saw made me feel sick, bruises covered her whole arm, "did he do this to you?" "Yes." She whispered. I was going to make sure Moriarty never hurt anyone again.

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