Chapter 6

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The chaos died down. People were being rushed to the hospital. Ambulances whizzed around carrying the wounded. Tank tries to call one for y/n but y/bnrefused. "No, please don't, I can't afford to go to the hospital, I have no insurance" y/n pleaded.

Tank looks in sorrow. His protest partner is writhing in pain and he can't do anything. Its really late out. And y/n cant really move so she cant go home. No cars would come to this area since its a "riot" zone so, Tank is really considering bringing her to his home. Its a big risk, inviting her to his home means she will know where he lives. Tank doesn't know what y/n would do with that information.

But a decision has to be made, either leave her on the concrete of carry her home. Its tough but he cared for y/n enough to risk his own life.

"You can stay in my house for the night. I don't mind...I'll help treat your wounds. Its also pretty late, the buses don't run past 8 during protests and ubers wont come here. So you're okay with it you can come with me." Tank suggested.

"Yes, thank you so much"Y/n appreciated. She is a little bit unnerved by the thought of staying at a strangers house but she trusts tank and the fact that there is no other choice.

Tank lifted y/n's arms and placed it over his shoulder and lifted y/n up. He gave her a piggy back ride. It was a bit painful when Tank grabs y/n's thigh but its still better than standing upright. Tank walked through discreet pathways into an apartment complex. They finally arrived into his place. His house is really rustic and clean. It smells like vanilla and bean which caught y/n off guard. Tank places y/n on the sofa, carefully not to hurt her.

"You gotta promise me that you won't tell anyone where i live okay? Hahah...I don't want teen girls clawing at my door" he joked. Y/n laughed "of course i wont, i want to keep you all to myself."

There was a silence. "SHIT SHIT SHIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY FUUUCK" y/n panics in her head. Tank stood still, his heart skipped a beat," what does she mean???" He thought. " haha well thats...good to know hehe " he stuttered.

The air became awkward. "U-uh here is a cup of tea to warm yourself up...d-do you want to shower? You should was off all that mace from you skin and clothes?" Tank blurted awkwardly. "Oh yeah..but i dont think i can stand up right now haha" y/n replied.

"Oh yeah ....well you can at least change your clothes...i think my sister has some that you can borrow and i'll bring a bucket and a towel so you can wash without standing up." Tank recommended.
There is a brief silence. "I-i wont be here of course, haha ill be in my room, you have this whole place to yourself." He said trying to erase the tension.

He removes his backpack and his clunky pads and armor but still wears his mask. I guess he is still not comfortable enough to show his face...y/n doesn't really mind, she is just grateful he gave her a place to stay. He scurried around the house to take all the amenities that is needed.

Y/n looks around his living room. There are books everywhere, on the tables, on the chairs, even right beside the tv. He is seems like a book loving nerd. Y/n chuckled under her breath, he isn't only a big tough guy. He also looks like a gamer, she could tell because of the doom figurines on his shelf. "It probably inspired his outfit" y/n thought. Tank came back with a stack of clothes a bucket and two towels for y/n.

" Alright im going to leave you to it, im going to shower as well." Tanks said as he slid into his bathroom. Y/n takes of her clothes and starts cleaning the tear gas of her skin. Its kind of awkward to be half naked in such a big room under a cold ac.
She finishes of and looks at the clothes tank gave her. "These are his sisters huh...wait does this mean his sister lives here too? Oh no that will be so awkward...i dont want her to think im screwing with tank hhh" y/n thought.

Low a behold the door unlocks. Y/n panics and tries to cover her body. "John? Its me. Sorry i came so la-"a woman stopped in her tracks as she looks at y/n, half naked. "Oh shit! Wait- oh my goodness...who are yo- never mind don't tell me...wait are those my clothes? JOHN!" The woman yelled.

Y/n was petrified. "Shit don't tell me its tanks girlfirend- oh wait she said her clothes so its his sister....why didn't he tell me his sister lives with him...and did she just call tank, John? Is that his real name?" Y/n's mind was all over the place.

Tank busted out of the shower after hearing his sister. His hair was still wet and his body was dripping. He had no mask on only a towel. He was such in a hurry he forgot y/n was there. "Ava! Why are you here??? Can you at least knock or something? I know you've got my key but-" his eyes laid on y/n, who was just in her bra. He realized that, y/n now knows his address his real name and how he looks like. John panics "Ava can we talk outside? Now."

Y/n is still in shock. Her face was red and her heart is almost falling off her chest. Her mind is a tornado. She saw his face and his chest. She puts her hand on her face and shuffles on her seat. " I SHOULDN'T HAVE SEEN THAT OH MY GOD NOW I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT HIM" she also realized that he saw her almost naked. Her face became redder and she squealed on to her hand. It is embarrassing. She gets dressed as quickly as possible before tank or...john returns.

"Hey uh y/n...c-can you look away for a moment and also are you dressed yet? If you are im going to go in" John said behind the door. Y/n looks away from the door..understanding that its awkward for him too. "Uh okay and yes im dressed." Y/n mumbled.

The door creaks open and John re enters the bathroom after a while he emerges with his mask still on his face accompanied by a sweater and long pants. He tied up his dreads and tucked his hands into his pockets. He looks human now, instead of a scary super soldier. He sat at the sofa perpendicular to y/n's.

Tank sighed and said "Sorry for that, uh.....that was my sister...she decided to visit me suddenly i didn't know she was coming..... Now you know too much about me...I don't know what to feel about that ahhaha." "I-I am so sorry, is shouldn't have come. I'm putting your life in danger. Im so sorry." Y/n sobbed. She feel really bad and guilty knowing things she shouldn't know.

"Its okay, its not your fault...but..please i..i beg you keep to keep this information to yourself. I've seen what these people do on the internet and I'm quite uncomfortable with how they display me. But I didn't care because they only praise my persona and my suit, not me...but if these people know my real name and where i live..i wont be able to take it....the police might come here and arrest me too. I just dont want to be in the public eye, i just want to be normal." John murmured.

"Of course I wouldn't tell anyone. I understand you want to keep everything lowkey...I'll keep you safe..t-tank." Y/n stuttered.

John chuckled. He is relieved to know that y/n cares for him. John continued "You can call me by my real name since you know what it is.....*sigh* I have nothing to hide from you anymore i should just-." He looks up and slowly pulls down his mask, revealing his face. He stares at y/n with his warm hazel eyes. It was the first time y/n saw his face in close up, full view and for a long time.
"My name is Johnathan btw"


(Yee yee i finished this in 2 hours which is kind a quick for me sksksk any whooos i hope u enjoy this double upload lololol)

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