Chapter 1

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4 years ago

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine his face; the thick eyes brows, the button nose, the curved lips and the twinkling eyes. Shall I ask Mae to take his picture, to make this easier rather than just recollecting it from memories? He was here last night, yet I couldn't find the courage to ask for a single photo.

The task was due in 3 days, our class art project. Portrait of someone who was important to you aside from your family. To me, it was him. No one else but him. But he didn't need to know that. I gave up and put down the pencil that I had been holding for the past 15 minutes and yet to draw a single line. Just as soon, the door to my room opened and in come the sweet face that I tried hard to imagine. My lips curved into a smile too.

"Joong, can I sleep here, tonight too?", he asked hesitantly. I nodded. He smiled brightly and walked to stand behind my seat, "A blank paper? Your project is due this week, right?".

"Yes. But, no inspiration, yet", I lied.

"Then, just draw me", he said cheekily, "you know, like that model the artist see and draw immediately...err, but not naked though, please". I laughed at his quip.

"Okay, Nai. But it's enough to just get your picture. You could sleep then". I arranged for him to sit at a corner with good lights and took photos from several angle.

"That's it? Done?". I nodded.

He slept on my bed, while I spent the night sketching him for a few hours. The first draft was still raw, I would refine it later. I went to the bed and looked at the serene face. At 18, he was still petite, and also delicate. He looked no older than me. I was still growing, but at 16 I was already taller than most of my classmate.

His habit of sleeping on my bed started as early as I was 8 and he was 10. The house was too large for a 10 years old that was mostly raised by the nanny rather than the parents. But, he loved eating, so he always bugged my mom to cook him something, rather than eating a take out fast food that kids like. Sitting at the kitchen table that was reserved for staff, while eating together with my family, was his happiest moment of the day, so he said. At first, he treated me like a younger brother, being protective and all. But, in our teenage years, I started to outgrow him, that it was awkward to be protected by someone so delicate like him.

We went to different schools. He was in a private prestigious school, while I went to an ordinary government school. Every morning he offered me to ride the same car, so that I didn't have to walk for half an hour, but I refused. I didn't want to use my friendship with him as a leverage, and also to stop the other staffs from gossiping behind my parents back. If only they knew that he used to sleep in my room, it would create a bigger issue, when actually nothing was happening other than us sleeping the night away.


2 years ago

I was already going to finish my school years and next year I would be entering college. Only 2 more months, then I would leave my beloved school, teachers and friends. He was already a second year in University, taking international business, as expected from the sole heir to a rich family. His visit to my room lessen since then. He met with new people, having a new lifestyle and spent more time out than inside the house.

The night was already late, and I was about to sleep after studying for the final exam that would be due next week. A round of knocks on my door startled me. If it was him, he would just enter, knowing that I never locked it to let him come in whenever he needed to. I opened the door, and to my astonishment, it was his mom, that was standing in front of my door.

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