Chapter 4 Family

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Yoshi enjoyed hearing the young turtles playing together. How it reminded him of how he and Saki used to play as children, without a care in the world. Saki...he had taken his world. At times it was difficult to set aside his grief, today was especially hard; it had been today five years ago that his world came crumbling down in Japan in fire and ash. He had tried to meditate but kept feeling an odd power coming from Central Park, but his meditation was not helping as the grief and preoccupation with his parental duties kept him from dwelling on it. Yoshi had the young turtles play in their living room as he prepared some food, he heard them laughing as they raced back and forth. He stirred the broth in the saucepan haphazardly as he saw Tang Shen's beautiful image before him. Splinter: Tang I miss you and our Miwa. Splinter thought of how happy little Miwa had been when he had played with her as his wife held her. Tang Shen had mentioned getting four little kame once they found a place in New York, plans made just before the inconceivable had occurred. Splinter was still deep in thought as he heard the young turtles quiet down and decided to go check on them. As he made his way to them, they ran over to him noticing one of them missing. Splinter: What is wrong my sons? Where is Raphael? Yoshi scanned his sons faces. Worry overcame him, but he remained composed. Michaelangelo was on the verge of tears and Donatello looked anxious. Leonardo looked angry at himself. Splinter: Tell me my sons. What happened? L:Master Splinter we were playing. Raph made up a game to see who was the bravest and fastest ninja. We were racing back and forth. Then we decided to make the finish line further and further away. Michaelangelo rushed into Splinter's robe and held him close. M: He's lost papa!! He ran past that corner and didn't come back. We went to look and couldn't find him.  Yoshi's heart raced...he had to find his son. He would not lose another loved one again. Yoshi hushed his sons and sat them down in the living room. Splinter: I will go find him. I need you three to stay here. Do not move. I will find him. 

Splinter moved quickly towards the location that his sons had said they had been running. Then he tensed as he heard footsteps coming toward their home. Y: I believe we are almost to your home, Raphael. R: Yeah! I recognize this tunnel. Dad! Splinter ran towards his son in attack mode as he saw a kunoichi with him. Y'gythgba smiled as she saw their sensei, whom she had only heard of. Y: This is your father, Raphael, I presume? Splinter looked at the mysterious kunoichi, with surprise and suspicion. A salamander? Another mutant? How did she get here? Raph smiled as she handed him to his father. Sp: Raphael are you okay? R: Yes, father. She found me. Maybe you can help her father, she's looking for a group of warriors. Splinter looked at his young son and felt the need to protect him from the outside world. Sp: Thank you for helping my son...May I ask who you are stranger? Y: I am a friend. R: You can trust her sensei. Sp: Let us go home then so you an eat. Splinter entered with Raphael and the young turtles ran to their brother with expressions of love and excitement. Then they saw the kunoichi in the shadows and quickly gathered around this female ninja. Sp: Now all of you to the kitchen to eat, while I get our guest some tea. R: But dad I...wanted to stay with her and hear more stories. Thank you for helping me. Splinter's suspicion of this stranger softened as he watched her. Sp: My son, let us get you fed and then into bed so you can rest along with the rest of you. Y'gythgba smiled and saw the other turtles looking at her with awe. Raphael went to her and hugged her. R: Thank you for saving me. Y: You are welcome young warrior. The other turtles smiled at her and hugged her as well. All of them: Thanks for returning our brother. Y: You are welcome young warriors. Splinter smiled as they reluctantly left looking at the stranger. He then motioned her to the dojo, she followed him as she watched the little turtles go eat and then they all followed Raphael into his room. 

Y'gythgba looked around and saw that not much had changed. Splinter came in with a tea pot and cups as he saw the stranger taking in the sun from above the tree. He also noticed how she seemed so familiar with the lair. Sp: You seem at home here Ms....? She took her hood and mask off as she sat down in front of him. Y: Y'gythgba. Sp: So Ms. Y'gythgba. Who is it that you are looking for? She looked down as she took the tea from him. Y: Thank you. Master Splinter or would you like me to call you Hamato Yoshi. Splinter looked at her curiously. Sp: Master Splinter is fine. Y: it is an honor to finally meet you. Your family speak so highly of you. His ears perked up as he looked at her, trying to understand how this stranger knew so much about him, even the name that only his son's called him and who he had been before. It had been years since someone had addressed him by his human name. Sp: How is it you know so much about my family. It is not like Raphael to speak of all our history. Y'gythgba smiled and looked at him. Y: Raphael did tell me, but not his younger self. You see I am not from this time, I am from the future. She took out a ninja star. He smiled as he took it and saw the symbol, he saw her outfit and saw the Hamato crest on her hood. He tried to process all of this. He touched the Hamato ninja star with his fingers as he was deep in thought. Sp: So my sons will find allies in the future? Other mutants? Y'gythgba smiled Y: Yes, and no. I am a Salamandrian; Lieutenant Y'gythgba of Salamandria. I am not of this world. Sp: Ah. Yes, a noble warrior race. She looked at him surprised. Y: You know of us? This bewildered her. Sp: Yes. Though I have never met one in person. Splinter evaded the question just as she was clearly evading a few of his. His father, Hamato Yuuta had told him that many dimensions and beings permeate reality at one point. He had never really understood until he had really begun mediating. Sp: Who are these honorable warriors that you are looking for? She smiled. Y: Your future sons. Splinter looked at her increduslously . Y: We were training here in the dojo when a... time portal pushed us out of our time. The timestress said that we were being called by time. We must have gotten separated. Splinter nodded as he drank his tea. Sp: How old are my sons in your time? Y: 23 earth years I believe. You have trained your sons very well, Master Splinter. They are honorable warriors that have the hearts of champions. Splinter smiled as he saw the look on the young female's face, a blush perhaps. Sp: Ms. Y'gythgba I assume you and I have not met yet in the future. She looked a bit downcast and shook her head Y: No. I have not had the honor. I often wonder if you would approve of me. Curiosity swept across his expression. Sp: Why is it that you seek my approval? Y'gthgba looked away. Y: Your son, Raphael and I we are...engaged. He gave me this in your earthly custom. Y'gythgba took off her gloved hand and showed him a beautiful ring on her hand. Splinter looked a little surprised and very happy. Sp: So my little Raphael will find someone to love? Y'gythgba blushed Y: Yes. I love your son very much. Splinter smiled as he looked at this young woman who loved his son so much. Sp: So how did you meet my son? If you are not from our world? 

Y'gythgba told him the tale of their meeting on the moons of Thalos. She then told him of what she had done to betray their trust. Splinter took in all the information, he was surprised that his son would be so heartbroken that it would have destroyed his fighting spirit and will to live, this was no mere infatuation. How deep did this relationship run? This young woman left her entire life, her world for his son...even he could not do that for Tang Shen when she had wanted to come to America. She had owned up to her mistake, but who would know what one would do to save their home world and loved ones. Her loyalties for family ran deep. He saw the tears in her eyes, it was clear that this betrayal still tore into her heart. Y: I do not deserve your forgiveness or your family. Your son deserves someone better, yet he chose to continue loving me despite my betrayal. In truth...I have always wanted to ask your forgiveness, for my failure to your family and clan. Splinter looked at the remorseful look in the young woman's eyes and held her hand. Sp: Ms. Y'gythgba it seems to me that what you did, you did for the good of your world. There is no way one will know to what extent we would go to save our worlds. You righted your wrong. You gave my son focus from what you tell me. Ms. Y'gythga, I am proud to have you in our family. She felt as if the last piece of her guilt was finally gone. Y: Mona Lisa. That's what Raphael calls me. Splinter smiled at her. Sp: A better name I could not come up with. I believe you mentioned that you were training with my sons. But you also mentioned you were a soldier, a lieutenant. Yet you are learning our art as well. Y: I believe a warrior learns from a multitude of disciplines. Splinter smiled and being the father that he is looked at the salamandrian with a twinkle in his eye. Sp: Let us see what my sons have taught you and then perhaps you can show them something that will surprise them. Y'gythgba smiled as she took off her cloak and sparred with Master Splinter. As they sparred he saw how much he had trained his children in the future. Though this salamandrian young woman wouldn't say, he knew he was no longer around too much longer for his children after their space adventures. He was sad that he didn't have the opportunity to meet Raphael's love in the future, but he knew her now and from her he had learned so much and was now optimistic of the world they would forge ahead. He was proud of his sons.

 Splinter showed her a few moves that were very advanced, that he would remember not to teach his children. Though through Y'gythgba he would be training them some more. Sp: Very good. Now let me see your fighting style. It's been a while that I've had the pleasure of sparring with such a worthy advisory. Y: Very well. They sparred back and forth. Splinter relished his time with his future daughter-in-time. Y'gythgba rested a bit then took off after saying farewell to Splinter. Y: It was an honor meeting you. Sp: As it was meeting you. I approve of you and my son's relationship. I am honored to have you as a daughter. Y'gythgba beamed and smiled. Sp: Go to central park. I believe the timestress is there. She looked at him curiously. Y: Thank you for everything. Y'gythgba bowed to him and took off. Splinter smiled as he saw her running and then went to look upon the young turtles sleeping. It had been a long time that he had been able to speak to another adult. So much doubt had always loomed about him, fear of the unknown, uncertainty in his ability of a father. Now knowing his sons would have a place in the world fueled him, he would get them ready for it. Tomorrow he would show them the Mona Lisa for their art lesson, it seems Raphael would not forget it in the future, "the most beautiful woman in art", yes Raphael's Mona Lisa would fuel him and quell his anger. Yes, Y'gythgba was perfect for his little Raphael.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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