Chapter 1: Waking up again

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Puppet closed his eyes and sighed as he watched the burning building fall, hearing the agonizing screams from Afton a few rooms away.

"God, how I wished things could've been different..." Puppet said as he looked at his broken, battered shell of Lefty, "all of this... I can't help but feel like this whole mess is all on me."

"That's not true," Puppet looked at Fredbear, who was sitting by him, "you did what you could."

"I still could've at least tried to do more..." Puppet added, "now look at this... I never wanted this... Charlie never wanted this."

"Please don't make yourself sound like the bad guy," Fredbear said, "they can all go to heaven now, because you both held onto hope."

"Yeah... I guess so..." Puppet said.

"... I'll take care of Afton," Fredbear decided, "I'll make sure he faces a decent death."

"Don't you think he's had enough?" Puppet asked, "I shoved his own arm through his chest and a pipe through his head."

"I'm not taking any chances anymore," Fredbear said, "I'll end him for good."

"... I won't stop you..." Puppet mumbled, "I don't like it, but I won't stop you."

"... Thank you," Fredbear replied.

However, before Fredbear left.

"Wait," Puppet said.

"What?" Fredbear asked.

"... I love you, Cassidy..." Puppet said.

Fredbear turned around and stood there for a few seconds before speaking.

"... I love you too, papa," Fredbear replied in Cassidy's voice before disappearing.

Puppet looked at the fire in front of him before looking up to the sky and starting to cry.

"... I'm scared of dying... What if I close my eyes and they never open again? I already know what it's like to die, and it's terrible... I don't want to die again."


Puppet opened his eyes and looked at his ghost, Charlie. She placed her hands on his.

"You won't die," Charlie said to him, "you'll wake up again. I promise."

Puppet hugged Charlie in response as she started to disappear. She looked up at him before saying her last words to him.

"I love you, daddy. We all do."

Puppet looked at the spot where Charlie was and sighed as he looked up again and the light in his eyes started to flicker and sparks came out of his open chest and what remained of his right arm.

"G-goo-o-oodbye-y-by-y-y-ye, Ch-Char-Char-Ch-Ch-Char-Charlie-lie-e," Puppet said as his eyes lost their light completely and he went limp.


"... Wh-h-hat-t?..." Puppet said as he tried to move, but stopped after realizing his legs were buried and a steel girder was jabbed into the side of his chest.

'Did Charlie...' Puppet thought, '... She kept her promise... Heh...'

"Keep looking, dude," a random voice said, "there's gotta be more than just this!"

'Voices? People?' Puppet thought.

He looked around, hoping to find something to get their attention, and saw a toolbox near him. Puppet moved as close to it as he could and elbowed the slab it was on top of with what was left of his right arm. The toolbox fell and made a loud clattering sound. He went limp right after.

"The fuck was that?"

"I'll check."

'Yes! Over here!' Puppet said to them in his head.

One of the guys spotted Puppet and called out the others. They came over and looked at him.

"So, what do you think?" One of them said.

"It's busted the fuck up," a girl that was with them said, "that's what I think. And it looks like it's tapped in that thing. How do we get it out? Actually, scratch that. How do we even know if this thing works."

"W-we-wel-welc-c-c-come t-t-t-t-to Fre-F-Fr-Fred-Freddy-dy-dy F-F-Fa-Faz-Fazbear-r-r-r's-s-s. En-en-enj-j-j-j-j-j-joy-joy you-your st-st-st-st-stay-stay," Puppet stuttered out to prove the girl wrong.

"... You were saying?" The other guy said.

"Okay, fine," the girl replied, "Now how do we get it out of this thing?"

"... Crowbar?" The guy suggested.

"I'd rather take off the stuff on top of it off first? If you don't mind?" the other guy said.

"Agreed," the girl said.

After they got the last of the debris off of him, they got to removing Puppet from the remains of Lefte. It was difficult, especially considering that Lefte's endoskeleton had dug into parts of Puppet's body, but they eventually got him out.

"Jeez, look at this thing," a guy who was holding Puppet up said, "this thing's so busted up and it still works."

"Hey, I know this one," the other guy said, "it's the second Security Puppet model."

"But that version is over forty years old," the girl replied, "there's no way something THAT old and broken can work properly."

"Well, it's either we bring it back with us and they fix it and we get a bunch of money for something like this or we go home with not even a hundred dollars in our pockets."

The girl sighed in frustration.

"Fine," she finally accepted, "but this hunk of junk better be worth it."

"It will. Trust me," the guy holding Puppet said.

They carried Puppet over to their truck. They had a bit of trouble with fitting him in the truck due to him being so tall, but they got it done. They put the rest of the stuff they had in and drove off.

"I can't believe how lucky we are," one guy said, looking at Puppet, "we found an old, working animatronic that's almost completely in one piece! Could we get any luckier?!"

"We've hit the jackpot fellas!" The other guy said, "it's the best day ever for us!"

As they cheered, Puppet looked up.

'Thank you Charlie...' Puppet thought while smiling.

After a few seconds, his (what would be considered) eyelids became heavy and he drifted off to sleep, hoping only good things would happen when he woke up again.

And good things will happen...

In a few days, weeks, or months from now, because the author's a lazy piece of shit.

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