Juliet Hamaki

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Only in the darkness can you see the stars. 

~Martin Luther King~

I felt pain from my stomach to my hip bone. I heard some beeping noise, I opened my eyes slowly. I studied the room, I was in a hospital bed. There was a machine on my right side, it was the one beeping. On my left, there was a bag filled with fluid and it was connected to my hand by a tube. I tried moving my leg but it didn't work.

I recalled what happened.

A bus lost its brake and it hit me, it threw me to a pole, it stabbed me from my stomach and pelvis. I remember screaming in pain. 

The door opened as a doctor came in. He had clipboard at hand, he had glasses and a long, white coat. The doctor then examined me. 

"Miss Hamaki. I'm sorry to say that you will be staying here for a long while." He said sadly, then left. 

I gripped on the bedsheet, I felt sad. And then mad. Then I threw a tantrum and was grumpy every day. My medications were horrible considering the fact that I hated needles, I was longing to get out of that hospital. 

One day my father came in with a canvas and some paint and suggested to try painting, I shrugged and tried it. Refusing it will just make my life more boring anyway. 

I didn't know what to paint but my hand just moved on its own. It was drawing what seemed like an ocean wave. I didn't know I had some talent for painting.

 I didn't know I had some talent for painting

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I loved it so I let it dry. A few days later, my friends arrived. I showed them my painting and they loved it! They took a picture of it and shared it on Instagram.

"Wow! Juliet, look! Lots of people liked your painting! I think they want you to make more." Iris said happily.

Laika and Fritzi agreed.

I let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll make more." I said with a slight smile.

From then on, my mood changed. My father bought more canvases and nice brushes. Whenever I felt stressed or mad, I knew where to put it. My painting skills got better.

 My painting skills got better

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I started to love painting. My friends and family were there to support me in everything I did. I painted a lot and wished to be famous. I posted my paintings on Instagram after I painted them.

My art teacher, Ikara Kulio, offered to open an exhibit for my paintings. I hesitated at first but I soon agreed. He told me that a lot of people went to see my paintings. I felt happy. 

After 8 months, I was finally released from the hospital. I went through therapy and was soon running, jumping, and walking!

A year later, I received the Young Artist Of The Year award. I soon became rich because of the paintings I sold. I'm an art teacher now. I also have a gallery of the paintings I made as well as those of my students. If I didn't get into that accident, I wouldn't have been what I am now.


Inspired by the life story of Frida Kahlo, one of Mexico's famous artists.

Images not mine.

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