Chapter 30

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Cavidan unpacks her meager belongings and settles into her new bunk. This is the fourth prison she's been in over the past two years. In the first three, things got progressively worse between her and her fellow inmates until she was labeled 'problematic' and ordered to therapy. Somewhere along the course of that therapy, along with medication, she realized that blaming Reyhan for her fears and problems became an obsession. It made her miss out on the life and family she worked so hard to build. Her hatred was a disease, eating away at her heart until there was none left to give. But things are better now. She won't go so far as to say she's ready to welcome Reyhan with open arms, but the blinding rage filled hatred is gone and she can think of the girl without wanting to kill her. Baby steps.

Because of the progress she's made in therapy, she's been moved to a lower security prison closer to home. Now, distance won't be what's stopping Emir and Suna from coming to visit her. If that was what was stopping them in the first place. She fears she may have permanently burned those bridges. All she can do now is ask for forgiveness and hope they have it in their hearts to give it. She's accepted the possibility that it may be too late for her. That the pain of their loss may be a pain she has to live with for the rest of her life. Along with the realization that she inflicted that kind of pain on Reyhan every single day she's known her.

"Get us some tea, New Girl."

No matter how much older she is than most of these women, she's always considered the "new girl" whenever she arrives. She's learned to swiftly obey and pick her battles. And a battle over serving tea isn't worth the trouble it could bring her. And this time, her tea is actually met with a chorus of sağ ol and teşekkürler from the recipients. Maybe this place won't be so bad after all.

"Look at her. She's flawless. I can see now why they call her the Princess of Istanbul."

A glance at the magazine the group of women are looking at almost makes Cavidan drop the rest of the tea. The page is open to none other than Reyhan, her image smiling and waving to a seemingly adoring crowd.

"What is this?" Cavidan asks, forgetting her place and grabbing that magazine. She flips to the front of the article and almost loses her breath at the sight of Emir. Her tearful utterance of "oğlum" is the only thing that stops her from getting a beating.

"That's your son?"

Cavidan just nods as she flips through the rest of the article. She'll read it later, but for now she just looks at the pictures. The title of the article is Tarhun: The New Royal Family of Istanbul and she couldn't be more shocked if she tried. The main picture is a beautiful shot of everyone, all wearing white. Reyhan and Emir are each holding a wrapped bundle in their arms. Suna and Zeynep are in front of them, hugging like sisters. Kemal stands next to Emir, one arm around his nephew, the other around his wife. Little Masal stands in front of Narin, kissing her extended belly. But the real surprise comes when she sees Hikmet, whole and healthy, on the other side of Reyhan.

"You have a beautiful family, Cavidan abla," one of the younger inmates says. "And a wonderful one too. The foundation they've started has helped so many people."

Again Cavidan just nods, unable to say anything. Something foreign lodges in her throat, blocking her words. It's regret.

"She had a beautiful family," another inmate mutters. "Haven't you heard what she did to them?"

Cavidan tunes them out. She knows the story all too well. She lived the story. And looking back, sometimes it's hard to believe all that's happened. Looking at the article now, she finds it even harder to believe this is the same family she almost destroyed. And again she wonders if it's too late to get their forgiveness.

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