Chapter Four

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Liz's P.O.V

     "Come on kitten wake up." I groan and roll over. "Don't make me dump some cold water on you." I sigh and sit up. "Here I got some of your clothes from the warehouse." I take the backpack. 

     "Thanks and thanks for helpin me with dying my hair."

     "No problem kitten now get ready for school and don't worry about your parents, I'll have them out by tonight." 

     "I know you will." I finish getting ready and Aunt Selina drives me to school. "Bye Aunty Cat." When I get to class I sit in my normal seat and Jason's already there. "Hey, Jay."

     "Hey. Tell me about your foster family."

     "Um." I start to get nervous, not wanting him to know. "They're fine, I guess. They care about me and sometimes they're a little over protective."

     "So you're not Harley Quinn and Joker's daughter?" My heartbeat quickens. 

     "No, why would you even ask something like that?" I ask trying to sound hurt.

     "Cut the bullshit. I did my research. You're the girl from the other night."

     "No, I wasn't I was at Aunt Selina's right after my foster parents started fighting B- with each other."

     "STOP LYING." He screams, causing everyone to look at us. "No you went there after me and Batman arrested your parents." I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing. "Why are you even here?"  I open my eyes and look at him.

     "Because my foster family wants me to have a shot at a good future. Jay, I love you." Tears build up in my eyes.

     "Just go away." I run out of the classroom, not caring about the teacher shouting at me. I lock myself in a stall and cry. Eventually I come out and go to lunch. I grab my lunch and climb up a tree. After a minute someone's next to me. 

     "Hey Ace."

     "Hey E." Emily Nygma, the riddler's daughter, she's like a big sister to me.

     "What's wrong you like a crap."

     "I finally found someone I care about, and he hates me." I admit. "He found out about who my parents are and know he hates me." I say leaning my head on her shoulder. "How's Rose?"

     "Helping her mom and Selina with a breakout." 

Jason's P.O.V

     She leaves ignoring the teacher, and he turns his attention to me. "You principals office NOW." I get up and start to leave. "And if you see Mrs. Napier inform her she is to go to the principal's office." Instead, I just go to the weight room. I leave to get lunch. After I do, I go outside and see her in a tree with another girl. I move closer to listen in. 

     "I finally found someone I care about and now he hates me." She says to her. "He found out about who my parents are and now he hates me. How's Rose?"

     "Helping her mom and Selina with a breakout."

     "Yeah Aunty Cat mentioned that. You wanna go help them?"

     "Sure, why not. What about school?" Liz scoffs.

     "Who cares E? You and I both know we'll probably just end up like our parents." They jump down as I duck out of sight and leave. I pull out my phone and call Bruce.

     "Bruce Catwoman and a few other criminals are planning to break the Joker and Harley Quinn out of Arkham." I hang up and start walking home. Alfred pulls up next to me when I'm about a quarter of the there. I get in, and we he drives me back to the mansion. 

Alisah's P.O.V

     "Alright Come on out Ace." I walk out wearing an a costume. (picture above). 

     "How do I look?"

     "Incredible kitten."

     "Gorgeous flower." 

     "Come on, let's go get your mom and dad." We head out in separate car and bikes. E and I are together, We get there and release all prisoners. We find mom and Dad in the rucks we're about to leave when Batman and the boy blunder.

     "Hiya boy blunder." I greet before shootin at him. It makes sense now why he said I instead of he. Because Jay's the god-damn Boy Blunder. The tears fall down at the realization.

     "Ace let's go." Daddy grabs my hand and we leave. "Ace, what are you doing here?" Dad asks slightly angry. 

     "I wanted to help Daddy and I needed to blow off some steam." Once we get home I go into my room and flop down on the bed.

     "Ace is everything alright?"

     "Just fine." I mumble. 

     "The school called. Why weren't you in class?"

     "I wasn't feelin well." I mutter. 

     "You ran out of english class in tears. What happened?"

     "Nothing I wasn't feelin well. Alright?" I try not to shout, but everything is hittin me at once. Her eyes go wide and she leaves. I curl up into a ball and sob into my knees. The door opens and Daddy walks in. "Go away." I choke out.

     "Ace are you alright?" I nod and avoid eye contact. "Why did you snap at your mom?"

     "I didn't mean to. I just don't feel good." I do my best to control my temper but it's clear I'm not doing a very good job.

     "What happened?" I shake my head signaling I don't want to talk about it.

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