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Chapter One

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Dear Miss Jones.

We regret to inform you that you unfortunately did not make the cut for the internship. We have reached full capacity and are sorry that you will not be part of our team.

You are encouraged to try applying again next year.

Best of luck!

T. Evergreen.


This was not how I want to start my day. No one on this earth wants to start their day with bad news. I don’t know if it’s me but I think that starting your week with nad news set soff the rhythm for how the rest of the week is going to be.

But for me this has sort of become part of my routine these past few months.

Job hunting sucks and I know that everyone who has ever looked for employment would agree with me. I drag myself away from the sad email, stand up from the computer and make my way out of my room.

I get to the kitchen and start to make some breakfast. For me this is some cereal in a bowl with a lot of milk. A gust of hot air and steam comes from the bathroom door right across where I am standing next to the counter and my roommate emerges from the vapour like some rockstar at a concert.

“Sup, babe”, she says walking out of the room with a towel wrapped around her torso and another one around her head to dry up her hair.

I smile at her, not wanting to speak with a mouth filled with food.

She takes a spoonful of my cereal, which makes me smack away her hand.

“Gigi get your own breakfast”, I laugh and move away from her to sit on the couch.

Gigi, born Georgiana Roberts is my tough as nails, blue eyed, raven haired best friend of three years and out of that we have been roommates for two years. We live in this cute two bedroom apartment with a single bathroom, an open plan kitchen and living room.

She is what some people would call crazy. She’s actually a cool person, and is everything that I am not. She is funny, strong and does not take any nonsense from anyone.

And on the plus side she is ridiculously beautiful. It’s an exotic kind of beauty that just makes everyone stop what they are doing and stare at her just to admire how gorgeous she is.

Gigi is the complete opposite of me. Where she is loud and colourful, I am more laid back and quiet. She likes going out and exploring and I am the stay in doors and watch tv type of person. We are the perfect pair because we balance each other out. It's a Yin and Yang kind of friendship.

I lay on the couch and turn on the tv, while Gigi is in her room to change and get ready for work.

The whole job hunting stress is slowly getting to me and it is making my life hard due to all the stuff that is going on. I try to put it away under a mental rug in my mind that I am pretty sure is filled with all the other stuff that I have dragged under it.

I’m not the kind of person who deals well with stress. I suck at stressful situations, It has always been like that my whole life, and I would usually have mental breakdowns because of that. I sort of found a weird way of dealing with problems in my life by thinking they are not there until the very last minute when I eventually feel mentally suffocated.

Basically my mental health is a ticking time bomb.

It’s not a healthy way to deal with stuff and I know that. I just got tired of having everyone around me deal with what I think I can deal with at the time.

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