(rando fluff)

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(while im waiting for dares or asks i am doing this)

Spector was currently upset. He had has a rough day at work, because of a frukkin karen. He wasnt surprised she was dead, to be honest he wanted to kill her all over again. His floating eyes turned their attention to the door, which was being opened by non other that cagney, his boyfriend. "you ok spec...?" cagney asked the agitated ghost, to which Spector responed with "i had to deal with someones bullshit all day...." Cagney knew spector only swore when he is VERY mad. "want a hug?" cagney said softly, earning an eager nod from Spector. Cagney walked to Spector, engulfing him and Spector in the blankets nearby, earning a happy smile from the emotional ghost. Spector snuggled into cagney like a kitten, which cagney blushed at the kitten like behavior. "your so cute..." cagney whispered "i know" was the response he wasn't expecting. Cagney felt spector's breathing slow, signalling he was asleep. Cagney slipped out of the blankets, obviously making sure Spector was comfortable.

Cagney crept towards the kitchen compartment of the train, hoping to not wake anyone on the train. He grabbed something for him and Spector and began sneaking back. By the time he made it back, he heard quiet whimpering, definitely coming from spector. Cagney placed the food on the nearest surface and rushed over quickly. "spec...its a nightmare wake up..." cagney whisper-shouted. Spector sat up with tears in his, now floating eyes. Cagney hugged him, holding him close, whispering sweet nothings to him till he calmed down. "d-don-nt d-di-ie-" Spector choked out. Cagney gave a reassuring smile and said "i wont. I promise." the two sat in comfortable silence, enjoying eachothers presence. Both decided on watching a movie together and slept all day, earning a lecture from henry(headofthetrain) the day after.

Enjoy my short fluff while waiting for dares or asks!!

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