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The shrill scream of her office telephone cut the silence like a sharp knife. She jumped up from her paperwork startled. Peering towards the phone's caller ID, she picked it up.

"Serious Crime Unit, this is DCI Chester." She put on her professional voice despite the irritation that ate at her.

"Hello Detective. I have missed the sound of your voice." a deep masculine tone spoke.

Detective Chief Inspector Morgan Chester froze in her chair. Her knuckles turned snow white from the tight grip she had on the phone. The voice sent shivers down her spine and goose bumps flared on her arms.

Theodore Gracy. The media nicknamed him The Bookkeeper. He had a killing spree that spanned over twelve years. Eventually, he was caught by Superintendent Oliver Bruce. He was sentenced to serve the rest of his life in HMP Belmarsh. No emotion was shown as his death sentence was laid out in front of him. Three years ago, he escaped and had vanished into thin air. Until now.

"The silence is deafening Detective. I suppose my call has come a bit of a suprise to you."

"You could say that." she cleared her throat.

"Have you heard from Oliver recently?" he asked.

Morgan muted the call and looked up from her desk, turned in her chair to Oliver's office that was situated at the back. The door was locked. She quickly caught the attention of Detective Inspector Rowan Anderson. A tall handsome man with amber blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He had a lot of attention from women over the years, but one caught his eye. Now they are happily married with two children and another on the way.

"Where's Oliver?" she asked calmly. Rowan exchanged a puzzled look and shrugged his shoulders. A chasmic pit formed in her stomach. She unmuted the call. Gracy was howling with excitement.

"Do I have your attention now, Detective?"

"Yes. What do you want?" she bit back.

"I wonder if your team know the type of person you really are. I am sure the term bent copper describes you perfectly."

Her face heated up. If they knew, it would be game over for her. She would not only lose her badge, but also go to prison.

"You see Detective, I have been paying the upmost attention to your daily routine. Get up early, go to the gym, then work, then home to sort out a certain business daddy trusts you with."

Morgan took a deep breath. "Stalking me now are you, Gracy? Didn't know you cared so much."

"How is Rafe? I see he still works at that bike shop in Camden."

"You son of a bitch." She whispered. Gracy laughed and coughed violently. She pulled the phone away from her ear and crinkled her nose in disgust.

"Don't worry, Detective. If I wanted my head caved in, I would go directly to him. I can see why you find him so attractive, the bad boy with the motorcycle, muscles and tattoos. That's enough to make any woman swoon."

"You know you're wasting my time."

"I popped over to the Superintendent's home not too long ago. His wife and children were very welcoming."

Morgan's eyes grew wide and she almost dropped the phone. "I swear Gracy, if you have done anything to them, I will personally hunt you down and end you myself." she spat.

"Petty threats won't get you far. I'm sure daddy taught you better than that."

"What are you hoping to achieve from this? Angering my team will not result in a happy ending for your story." she warned him.

*FIRST DRAFT* The Cover of Darkness (DCI Morgan Chester Series)Where stories live. Discover now