The Greatest Showman of Totsuki!

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A quite man stands still under a spotlight in the middle of a wasteland. Half of his fore arm and his hand was broken down to the bone. This was his right hand, and the left hand was in the pocket of his black dress-up pants.

The right hand was holding the rim of a top hat that stood over a brown paper bag, which did cover his entire head without ruining the sound of his voice. A lava red under a black hole colored over shirt, and he wore two ice blue gloves due to his one bone hand and only one looked weird.

This isn't the start of the story, but this image is very important to the entire story. With this now in your head, let's listen to Wednesday, The Greatest Chef Showman!

"welcome to the end of eras, to the end of the world. if anyone wishes to leave, i recomend you leave before the first bite." Wednesday said to the lonely table of one. They didn't move, so the real fun would begain for me.

He winked at the the other watcher as some yelling joins into the mix. Though, it sounds rather robotic. Anyways, it's time to finally get this shitshow feckin started!

[ 12 : 53 AM ]

Wednesday is just now waking up after only... 53 minutes of sleep... again. The reason for this is that he has to work the morning and graveyard shift if he ever wants to join Totsuki, the greatest cooking school in Japan... he thinks.

Most wont hire him due to his zombie like looks. One eye is gone, so is most of his forearm and all of his hand, plus he pretty much shambles from place to place. The bag doesn't really help his case.

Two white dots watched his breakfast from within the brown paper bag. He lifted the bag enough for him to eat the rice dish. Rice, a raw egg, pepper, salt, and soy sauce. The same thing he has been eating for a year now.

Despite how it looked, he couldn't taste anything

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Despite how it looked, he couldn't taste anything. In all honesty, he hasn't been able to taste anything in a while. After he finished, he sighed due to the fact he wasn't able to taste his breakfast again. He brushed his teeth with a water from a bottle and smeered deodorant on his arm pits since they cut off his water, and soon it'll be his heating or lights.

He got dressed and headed off to his day job as a janitor at a local family resturant. He was able to keep the job since the famlies assumed he was in a costume to entertain the children. He honestly hated the job despite them allowing him to practice cooking, and it was because the people would always fuck with his right hand.

Once, he was able to sue a family after the teenager snapped the Radius, which is the piece of the forearm on the right side. Anyways, that is how he was able to afford water for a bit. He's planning on showering here before he headed off to work. Well, the night shift atleast. The bone also needed to be held in place so it wont fix itself funny.

"huh? it's already six." He said as he headed back to the boss, since he was planning on leaving this place next week and he is required by contract to give a week's notice. All he did was put the note on his desk and went off to the changing room.

A basic blue t-shirt, black jeans, and a surprisingly fresh pair of boots he got from his hobo friend. Like all bad things, it gets a lot worse before it get's better. So, this guy named Wednesday leaves work again and heads out the the shopping district. He heard there was a really good diner here, and wanted to see if he could finally find something he could taste.

What Wednesday didn't know, was that his dream school Totsuki was hot on his tail. Though, nothing is set in stone until Writer-kun hits PUBLISH.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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