I can bite

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  Izuku returned from his short day of work, surprised at all Shoto had managed in just the few hours. He didn't have to do all this.. He appraised the piles as he walked by.
Noticing a silhouette leaning over the balcony rail, he headed towards the open sliding door and closed it behind him. "You'll let all the mosquitoes in." He turned and rested his cheek on a strong back, wrapping his arms around.
  "You've let in worse."
  Izuku froze. This voice.. moving back slowly, he reassessed the body he had just held on to. Tall muscular build, but rich chocolate locks stuck out the bottom of their cap.
The uninvited guest turned in place and took hold of Izuku's waist. "Mosquitoes aren't really a problem here after the spring," He leaned off the rail, closing the gap between them, "..But, I can bite you, if you'd like."
  Izuku felt a hot breath in the nook of his neck, then playful nips that stopped abruptly.
  "Ah.. but you've already been bitten.. and by some amateur, too. You break my heart."
  Izuku gulped, "I'll need your copy of my key.." He wanted to say he was moving, leaving, but he knew with Ezra that he never needed to say the obvious, he always seemed to already know. "You should go.."
  "No, I think I'll wait for your.. friend to return." He answered quickly and with the nerve to smile.
  "Why are you here?"
  Ezra used a familiar lighter on his smoke. "I missed you. I'd ask whether you missed me too, but.." Blowing into Izuku's face, he slipped indoors to go into the bedroom.
  Izuku followed but only as far as the living room, where he could see both the front door and keep an eye on Ezra. He wanted Shoto to both hurry back and not come back at all.
  "If you have anything else here, t-take it now." He had trouble finding his voice.
  Ezra stepped out with a thoughtful look. "I came before you left. You were mostly packed up, and in the shower. Naked. Wet. ..Touching yourself." He dragged one finger down Izuku's chest, stopping at his belt.
  "Tell me. Did you find your.. souvenirs? Did you enjoy them? ..While thinking of me?"
  Izuku started to get angry. "I've told you, I'm not interested in your games."
  "But you're so fun to play with," Ezra reached around Izuku to put out his smoke. The sand of the bonsai tree on the kitchen counter protested.
  "Sorry, I know you hate it when I use your little tree here, but it seems my ashtray has gone missing." He made a show of looking for it and pouting.
  "Ugh, will you go already?!" Izuku shoved him away but Ezra grabbed his face and forced in his tongue. Izuku hated the taste, hated that he had let Ezra toy with him to this extent.
  He wanted to use his power to get him off but knew that he shouldn't. He should only use what strength seemed likely, natural, from his stature.
  ..He bit him.
The following happened too quickly.
  Ezra flipped him and bent him over the counter, rubbing his erection on his ass.
  Ezra put his weight on him, bringing his face close. Licking his lip to taste blood, he wiped it off with his thumb and pressed it into Izuku's mouth. You're the mosquito. "What if I told you.. that I know you can fight back?"
  Green eyes glowed and Ezra was pushed across the room. Smiling, Ezra straightened up. He walked slowly towards Izuku, who was now regulating his breathing. "No worries, your bodyguard is back."
  Just then, Izuku heard the front door unlock. Under Izuku's glare, Ezra nonchalantly dug into his pocket before reaching for his hand. Izuku tried to yank away but Ezra smiled and held firm.
"'Til next time." Wet lips brushed across Izuku's knuckles, then turned away with a bloody smile as he walked past a confused but determinedly fuming Shoto.
  "Hah, is this guy for real? ..Can practically see the steam rise off him." Ezra jeered as he cleared the entry way.
  "And where the hell were you?!" Izuku let out a nervous cry before Shoto could decide to follow this asshole out.
  Shoto dropped the bags on the counter on his way to embrace a shaking Izuku. He smelled of smoke, and he hated it.
  After Izuku had calmed, he opened his palm which now held his spare key along with its angry imprint into his skin. Placing it on the counter and digging through to delitter the planter, he faced Shoto with a guilty expression.
  Before he could offer an explanation, Shoto asked, "Do you want to shower with me?"
  "Um,.. sure."

  Shoto rubbed Izuku's back and could almost feel his stress melt away as his own.
  Izuku perked up, "Let me rub your shoulders, you did so much for me out there.."
  Shoto turned around for him, clenching his fists. I would've liked to have decked that smug fu-
  "You can ask." It was easier for Izuku to offer this to his back. He felt Shoto tense before figuring out the right words.
  "Did he hurt you?"
  Izuku paused. "I suspect.. that he's the one hurting."
  Shoto cautiously filled in the blanks but needed more. "Do you trust him?"
  After a curt laugh that was very unlike him, Izuku answered, "I trust that he meant well, at some point. I trust that he's a wild card, but ultimately, he's just a smart cocky coward."
  Shoto raised an eyebrow. Why does he scare you? lingered on the tip of his tongue, but Izuku seemed ready to move on. He settled on "Did you have that meeting today?"
  Izuku took a moment but was grateful for the change in gears. "Oh, they want me to look into one last case before I meet with the head."
  "Are you going to take it?"
  "I mean, I don't want to but just because I'm checked out doesn't mean I'm actually done here yet. I shouldn't burn this bridge."
  Shoto wasn't sure what to make of all that but he turned to kiss Izuku. Izuku's eagerness put him at ease, until Shoto tasted him. Stepping back and spitting out all he could gather from his mouth, Izuku was left alone in the shower.


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