By Myself

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Namjoo wasn't outside. The window to the bedroom was closed. Where he always saw her, she wasn't. This morning he had watched Jineol leave for work like routine. A gallant man glad to spend more than half his day away from home.

Sehun stared at the rose bushes recalling the last time he had stood there, watching her work. Awed that she was preening her garden. In her pretty straw hat, focused and uncaring.

Today he was working alone like he'd continuously been doing since he recorded Yena. How would things have turned out if he'd never committed such an atrocious act?

Namjoo wouldn't have been meaninglessly pregnant only to lose it that night. Wreak havoc on herself. Attempt to take her life. Gone haywire.

It was by far some of the most painful things he'd seen in his life.

The sound of an engine made him step away from the rose bushes. A cab swiftly rounded the driveway and stopped. Sehun surprisingly watched Namjoo step out. He didn't know she'd gone out. For air? She should have asked him.

His view jot down to her purse. Thoughts skittered through his head. He had fought with her to stop drinking. Had she gone to refill her meds?

Instead of waiting for her to come over, Sehun crossed the yard in three long strides. "Where did you go?"


His eyes followed the direction the taxi had gone to verify her lie.

"Are you hungry?" Namjoo changed the topic.

He suspiciously eyed her bag. "Yes, I'm hungry."

Her arms swung at her sides as she headed inside. Tersely frowning, Sehun went in after her. He intended to find out where she'd really gone.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Namjoo asked. "Reading? Cycling? You look like you exercise."

"" fluttering his eyes he peered at his tennis shoes. "I weightlifted in prison, but that's all."

"But you have a TV at the backhouse." Namjoo peered at him.

"It's always been there." Sehun said. Brightening, he suggested, "Let's go somewhere after eating."

Namjoo cocked her head, curiously. He didn't tell her where he was taking her on their envoy. On the way down the streets he watched her intensely lean toward the window to stare at the passing restaurants. Pleased because she seemed so interested. He couldn't help but smile, because today she was doing better than previously.

"Oh! Ice cream!" Namjoo pressed a finger against the window. Then mulling quietly, "I don't remember that place." Swiveling to him, she asked, "Is it new?"

"I don't know." He replied. He still hadn't explored the entire city. He didn't even have a favorite restaurant yet.

He pulled up to a video and cd shop. Getting out of the vehicle Namjoo stared up at the store name cluelessly. "Here?"

"I drive by sometimes, I wanted to check it out." Sehun lied. He'd looked it up on the internet on a whim.

A man in a beanie walked out of the store. Noticing Namjoo he held the door open for her. Hurriedly following her inside Sehun looked around. He was taller than all the shelves combined. Dust swirled in the glow of sunlight from the windows. Waving them away he went with Namjoo down the aisles.

The store smelled of musk and old carpeting. They focused on the movies on display flipping over the covers to read the synopsis as they moved along.

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