chapter 4

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Anko got in the bed after getting into her sleeping attire, a plain old black t-shirt, and a pair of white short-shorts. Putting her arm around Sakura once more to assure herself that she was still there she fell into the bro and dark cloud know was sleep.

Recap end

Sakura awoke to a familiar ceiling, she turned her face and sure enough, she saw Anko who still asleep.  Sakura remembered something she had to do for Anko so that Anko would always have a piece of her to keep as a type of gift.

She had to make one locket and one record. The locker was for Anko and the recording was for her friends.

She got up, careful to not wake Anko, and got dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. The smelt of her tears and her eyes were slightly puffy and red but she looked mostly normal.

She got to the shop around thirty-five minutes later.

She entered the small room at the back and into the recording room. It had a chair and a button for what she wanted to put which song in which of the devices, the locket, or recording tape.

Sakura pressed the bottom for the recording tape and started making her gifts.

One hour later she had finished. Both gifts ready to be given to the people who they for.

Sakura looked up to where the sun was, it was nearing nine in the morning.  Sakura went to the post office to get some packaging for her gift and to send it. She wanted it to be sent at a specific time, 11:55 PM, today.

Sakura would give the locket to Anko, it was her birthday day gift for next year but, she wouldn't be there so she would give to her now.

Sakura stopped at a dango shop to get a few, to Anko anyways, sticks. It was for herself and Anko as breakfast. Ten sticks for each of them.

Sakura made her way to Anko's room in the tower, she forgot what it was called, and went to wake Anko up.

When she opened the door to Anko's room Anko was, much to her surprise, awake and looking around slightly franticly. When the door opens Anko's attention is snapped to her and relief settled in her gaze.

" I brought dango."

Anko was quick to glomp Sakura in a tight hug and yelled a loud " thank you!" And began to eat the sticks, only eating half and leaving the other half for Sakura.

After they had both finished eating and Anko showered and got dressed she let Sakura shower while she got her some clothes to change into.

At 10 AM they were dressed in comfortable clothes and ready for the day. Anko decided to take Sakura to a stream first and so she exchanged Sakura undergarments for a bikini she got at her house.

Anko made sure to get a(n) actual pair of undergarments for Sakura to change into later. She herself had put on a bikini as well under her clothes when she was getting changed. She had thought of going to the stream a few days ago and right now was the only chance she would get to spend some time alone on isolation with her daughter figure, so she would take her somewhere that only she knew about, somewhere they could be themselves without a fear in the world, somewhere beautiful. Only Anko herself knew about this certain stream that leads to a small underground cavern.

She had to show Sakura her heaven, it would have been hers too if Anko hadn't been an idiot and forgot what would be happening so soon, Anko berated herself once again.

Snapping out of her thoughts she looked at Sakura and saw the disapproving look she was giving her, she knew that she was berating herself. Why was she surprised, Sakura was always able to read Anko.

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