(1) Oumami

602 14 8

3rd Person POV

Ouma and Amami were sleeping together, it was a warm summer night, the two of them fell asleep relatively early concidering the fact that sometimes they might stay up all night watching movies and or conversing with eachother all while cuddling. But what time they fell asleep isn't important to them, they have eachother, and that's all that mattered. Sure, they would get into little arguments every now and then, but they weren't really serious ones, usually very silly and/or dumb ones. Amami was lying in bed with Ouma right next to him, cuddling up to the taller green haired male. Amami smiled gently and got some hair out of his significantly shorter troublemaker's face, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep... the polar opposite of what he's like when he's awake, actually. Amami caressed Ouma's face with the back of his hand lightly, feeling his eyes get heavy, he didn't want to fall asleep as long as it meant that he could stare at his boyfriend's cute face some more. But i guess staying up wasn't quite the valid option, because as hard as he tried to stay up, he still ended up falling asleep in the end.

Amami woke up to the feeling of being kicked, slapped and having the blankets tossed all over the place, he slowly opened his eyes to reaveal none other than Ouma tossing and turning trying to get comfortable while sleeptalking and saying something about what sounded to be his dream, where Amami joined D.I.C.E, they get married and then they live happilly ever after. Amami tried falling asleep many times throughout the night but to no avail, he would always wake up due to the smaller male's legs violently kicking him. "Guess who's sleeping on the couch tommorow, Ouma..." Amami said, almost a whisper, getting up to go make himself some breakfast together with some coffee, if he can't fall asleep then he might aswell just stay up.

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