Together now

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Moonbyul joined Seulgi and the girls of Red Velvet at the park without even thinking about it. She just walked without thinking of her destination but ended up at the entrance of the park. She decided to enter, at least being with people who didn't have a clue about what was going on and weren't going to ask any question about it could make her forget about her anger for some time.

At her surprise, Wheein and Hwasa were here too. Hwasa told her that they ran into each other and decided to spend the afternoon together, the more the merrier right? Well Solar wasn't thinking that way and was probably the only one. It cheered Moonbyul up to see that she wasn't the only one to think this way, but at the same time she was sad to see that she was thinking of Solar everytime someone did or said something.

Moonbyul was sitting on a bench, watching the others play and feeding the ducks. It was nice to see her friends happy, to watch them smile and not worry about a thing. She was lucky to see them this, she knew and was enjoying the moment. But she wasn't smiling and playing with and didn't seem to notice that it wasn't ok. Seulgi and Wheein noticed and went to sit on each side of her.

"So what's up? You are weird." Said Seulgi very straight foward but knowing it was the only way her friend would talk.

"Yeah, weren't you supposed to be with Youngsun, did you talk to her ?" Wheein was hoping things would get better for her leader after she talked with Moonbyul but it didn't seem to be the case.

Moonbyul explained how Solar reacted and how it made her feel so mad that she had to leave. Seulgi and Wheein listened carefully, Wheein being shocked and Seulgi seeming lost in her thoughts. The latter had a reaction completely different than expected by Moonbyul.

"You have to go back." She said after a silence that Wheein didn't seem to break so she had to.

"What? What do you mean I can't go back, can't you see that she is wrong?" Moonbyul couldn't believe that Seulgi of all people would take Solar's side.

"She shouldn't have reacted like that but she did. And I didn't think that I would say that to you any day but...I think she is jealous. Well she clearly is jealous, and if she was crying and acted weird like Wheein said, it can only mean one thing. She not jealous like a friend Byul, she wants more and she is realising it right now but it must be so hard. You have to go back and help her throught that."

This couldn't be true, Seulgi couldn't be right. Moonbyul was just begining to think that it was clear that her friend would never have feelings for her and she was finally ready to move on. Or at least that was what she hoped. But it made sense. She didn't know what to believe.

"Fine I'll go". She had to know.

When she arrived at the appartment, all she heard was silence. She shut the door and listened more carefully, maybe Solar was gone. Maybe she would never come back. No she wasn't. She could now hear someone sobbing. She went to Solar's room being sure that it was coming from there. But it was empty. She didn't understand, then she realised it was coming from farther in the corridor. It was coming from her own room. The door wasn't closed but she didn't want to go in. Solar was laying in her bed, her face in the pillows crying still.

"What are you doing in here" was all she could say.

Solar turn around so quick that she almost broke her neck and stopped crying at the surprise. "I...I don't know". She was looking at the floor, probably ashamed of her earlier behavior.

Moonbyul took that as an invitation and went to sit on the edge of her bed. They stayed there in silence for a few minutes.

Solar was the one to break it. "You said that Seulgi was comforting you earlier. Why did she need to comfort you? I didn't even realise that you weren't ok, I'm such a bad friend".

"You are not and it doesn't matter right now. The thing is, you seem so angry or sad all the time and I dont know how to make you feel better. I just get angry when you are angry at me for no reason but I didn't try to understand you. So now I want to know : what can I do?".

"I don't think you can make me feel better". There was her sad puppy face back. Moonbyul hated to see that face. There was a time when she just had to make a funny face to get rid of it but now she knew it wasn't going to work. She stopped crying but wasn't feeling better.

Moonbyul put her nose on Solar's chin as she sometimes did to comfort her. They stayed like that a few seconds that felt like minutes, Solar wasn't moving nor saying anything. Moonbyul felt a single tear fall on her nose. She was so close, she was too close. It was one time too many, she couldn't hold back anymore, even if it broke their friendship, it was just too much, she was stupid to think she could hold her feelings back forever.

Moonbyul lifted her head but didn't take a step back like she usually did. She stayed close, so close that their noses almost touched. She looked at Solar in the eyes, the poor girl was too sad to even think about what was happening, at least that was what Moobyul thought.

She leaned in until their lips touched. At her great surprise Solar reciprocated the kiss. It was short, it was soft, but it was everything. Moonbyul pulled back keeping her eyes closed for a few second just enjoying the moment before the storm that it will cause.

"People can't know". Solar pointed out the obvious, people couldn't know, the society, the industry wasn't ready for this. But Moonbyul was, she waited so long now. It didn't matter, they could be happy with their family and friends knowing, they didn't need the world to know anyways.

"Dont worry we'll figure it out, all that maters is we can fix problems together, we're not alone anymore". She was happy, happier that she's ever been and nothing will change that. She wasn't feeling alone anymore and it was the best feeling ever.

Here you go, that is the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed it, thank you all for reading this until the end, it really means a lot to me. I really enjoyed writing this and might write another one in the future who knows ! Take care of you and your family and friends, and thank you again.

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