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Taehyun had been curled up on the sofa for the last half an hour. Confused.

Earlier that day, Taehyun had visited his local cafe.
As he ordered his drink and waited for it be me made, that's when he saw him.

A young man, with sunny blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Fuck, he was hot.
His plump lips curled into a seductive smirk as he caught Taehyun's lingering gaze.
Taehyun's cheeks displayed a crimson tint as the man caught his gaze.

Taehyun sat up with a start after recalling the events of that morning.
He was straight. He liked girls. Only girls. Or did he?

His thoughts went back to the cafe; his cheeks blushing as he'd been caught staring.
He looked down at his feet, nervousness coursing through his system.
How could a man be so attractive?

"Latte for Choi Beomgyu." Called the barista, placing the coffee on the counter.
The blonde boy stepped forwards and collected his drink.
"Even his name is hot.." thought Taehyun as his gaze lingered once more.
Beomgyu walked past Taehyun once again, leaving him a suggestive wink as he left the cafe.

Taehyun left his thoughts once more, clasping the receipt from the cafe.
He unfolded it
"You're pretty cute, we should meet up!"
He looked at the note, pondering whether to call the number written below,
Beomgyu's number.

He let out a sigh of frustration, did he like boys or girls?
He'd never felt this way before. He was confused.
After a few hours of thinking, he took the leap of faith.
He picked up his phone and failed the number, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Yeah, let's meet up ok Friday at 11am."


Taehyun day nervously in the cafe, awaiting his date. Butterflies danced in his stomach as he sipped his coffee once more. This was his first date with a boy, was it the same as dates with girls?
He thought to himself, asking himself trivial questions.

Do I make the first move, or does he? Should I act more grown up and show I'm not an immature boy or should I act cute. What does he like?
The questions flew around his head until movement opposite him grounded his thoughts.

"Hey." Greeted Beomgyu as he smiled at Taehyun. He shook his head slightly to move his soft blonde hair from his eyes.
"How are you?" Stuttered Taehyun as he inwardly yelled at himself for sounding nervous.
"I'm great now that I'm here with you." Beomgyu smirked, knowing the effect he had on Taehyun.
Taehyun blushed as he fiddled with his fingers.

"I'll go get us some drinks." Stated Beomgyu, feeling bad for making Taehyun nervous.
"I'll come with you!" Declared Taehyun as he stood up.
"We can take them to the park."
"Okay." Beomgyu beamed as they stood by the counter.

"Coffee for Beomgyu." Called out the barista.
"It's ours." Muttered Beomgyu as he grabbed the coffees and intertwined his fingers with Taehyun as he led him out the coffee shop, earning another rosy blush from Taehyun.

They sat on the bench, hands still intertwined, chattering away.
Taehyun has visibly become more comfortable about the date and being with Beomgyu. He was smiling more and didn't break out in a nervous blush when Beomgyu wrapped his arm around his waist.

"I like you so much." Sighed Beomgyu as he drew his face closer to Taehyun's.
Taehyun's heart started beating faster as the butterflies returned. Was Beomgyu going to kiss him? Was he ready? These thoughts raced through his mind as Beomgyu leant back.
"We can just be friends if you want?" Suggested Beomgyu, mistaking Taehyun's silence for rejection.

"No!" Taehyun replied. He pulled Beomgyu closer and brushed his cheek with his hand.
He was ready..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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